Anti-aging face cream - suspender at home


Anti-aging face cream after 50

No matter how hard we tried to save youth, but we are absolutely all older and wrinkles are in front. I belong to the category of women who have the first mimic wrinkles have become noticeable for 25 years. It is impossible not to pay attention to them, because every day in the mirror meet yourself.

Anti-aging face cream

Modern cosmetology is similar to magic - she could all be money. But an effective natural agent can compete with it, which in the correct combination allow you to create the best anti-agricultural creams for the face.

The editors thoroughly understood in cosmetic brands and rejuvenating complexes. In today's article, we will tell you the recipe for cream, which will return the shine and the elasticity of your skin, will smooth out small wrinkles, and deep will make less noticeable. And at the end of the article, see the recipe of a tightening almond mask, which will help preserve youth and beauty.

Anti-aging face cream

This recipe is checked by me personally, the cream is suitable for any skin type. It is absorbed for a long time, so it is better to apply it 1-2 hours to sleep. After a week you will notice the result! To make sure there is no allergies, before applying, checking the work of the cream on the wrist.

How to prepare anti-aging face cream at home


  • 2 tbsp. l. Dry daisy flowers
  • 150 ml of water
  • 0.5 fresh yolk
  • 2 tsp Almond oil
  • 0.5 h. L. Liquid Money.
  • 1 tsp. Cosmetic Vaseline
  • 2 drops of tea tree oil
  • 2 drops of lavender oil


  1. Before cooking, make a chamomile infusion. Feed dry flowers with boiling water, cover with a lid or saucer. Maybe it is raised at least an hour and apring through a small siter.

    Day anti-aging face cream

  2. Mix to homogeneous consistency of yolks and almond oil.

    Night anti-aging face cream

  3. To the resulting mass add honey and 2 teaspoons of a chamomile infusion.
  4. In a separate tank, the cosmetic vaseline on the water bath and mix with the other ingredients.
  5. Add to the mixture lavender oil and tea tree oil. Mix well with a wedge or fork to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency.

    Anti-aging cream for oily skin

  6. Placing cream in a sterile glass jar and keep in the freezer to 14 days.

If the night anti-aging face cream was not completely absorbed, the remains of the rest with a paper towel, but do not wash the water.

To smooth the deepest wrinkles, twice a week do a rejuvenating lifting mask. Almonds will return the skin elasticity, grape seed oil will give elasticity, and Aloe juice will remove inflammation.

Anti-aging face cream from 25 years

Mask made of almonds

You will need

  • 3/4 art. Almond flour
  • 15 ml of grape or apricot seed oil
  • 40 g puree from the pulp leaf aloe

Mix all components and mills a cooked mixture into hermetic container, better glass. Do not worry if the mass is very thick, it instantly melts on the skin when applied. Hold the mask on the face of 20-30 minutes, wash off warm water.

good anti-aging face cream

To look great, you do not need to spend fabulous amounts. Creams and homemade masks are not only savings, but also a huge gain in quality. You can use a variety of natural ingredients without dyes and preservatives.

Anti-aging face cream after 50

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