12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet


Pictures on request 12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

A good mistress is watching not only for cleanliness in the kitchen, but also for the health of the plumbing. For this, it does not wash off in sewage such obvious objects, such as building trash. But much more often in the sewer tube is flying fruit products used, used vegetable oil, remnants of drugs, flour and even coffee thickness. It would seem, where is coffee or flour? But do not be surprised - because this is not a complete list of things that categorically impossible to rinse into the sink or toilet.

1. Flour

After cooked pies or the kitlet, the hostess carefully collects the remnants of flour with a sponge and successfully washes into the sink. However, flour has a property to absorb moisture and swell, significantly increasing in size. As a result, flour lumps gradually clog the sewer and cause breakage.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

2. Shell from eggs

The hostesses are often cleaning the boiled eggs in the sink, the large shell is thrown into the garbage, and small residues are randomly washed into the sink. Did you know that tiny, but sharp pieces of shell resemble glue, which keeps together some large pieces of food? Everything that will be washed into the sink after the shell is formed in a lump and lead to a blockage.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

3. Coffee

You will not believe it, but it is the coffee thickness that is one of the most important causes of blockages and breakdowns of pipes in the kitchen! As you noticed, water does not dissolve ordinary ground coffee, because all the thick, washed into the sink, gradually settles on the walls, forming blockages.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

4. Pasta and rice

It is very sticky and fast food swelling. Washing into the sink or toilet the remains of missing rice or pasta dissolve extremely slowly, scoring the sewer.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

5. Medicines

Most pharmacy preparations are well soluble in water. However, this is not the reason forbing flush medication into the sewer. Excellent solubility leads to the fact that the water is saturated with the impact number of chemicals that ordinary filters cannot be cleaned. All overdue and unused drugs are best thrown into garbage.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

6. Condoms

Only at first glance it seems that this problem is fetched. Nevertheless, plumbing often face breakdowns, the cause of which is washed into the sewage condoms. Latex products not only do not dissolve in water, but also can be stuck in the tap, forming a plug in pipes.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

7. Household chemicals

This includes floors for washing floors, windows cleansing and much more. The reason is the same as drugs - household chemicals saturate water by chemicals that are not cleaned by filters. Exceptions from the rules are special tools for cleaning toilet bowls and eliminate blocks in the pipes.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

8. Paper

We are talking, of course, not about toilet paper, which is specifically designed for flushing in the toilet. This is a common paper forming blockages.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

9. Oil used

As is known, fat is not completely dissolved in water. Moreover, when contacting cold water, it quickly freezes and forms a blockage. Where exactly the remaining oil and fat from the frying pan after cooking, if not pouring into the sink? This disposal is correct: the remains are slightly diluted with water and the drop of detergent, mixed and poured into a robust package, which later should be thrown into the urn.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

10. Stickers on imported fruits and vegetables

The hostess do not forget to wash them before submitting to the table, but the stickers can accidentally turn around and clean in the sink. The result is not dissolving adhesive paper successfully settles on the walls of pipes.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

11. Paint

Its main properties are viscosity and stickiness, which result in the serious breakdowns of pipes. Is it worth saying that the paint contains a whole list of non-soluble chemicals?

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

12. Things with the inscription "You can wash off"

The modern industry seeks to create soluble objects in water - special bushings, paper, napkins, etc. However, it is much better and safer to throw these things by habit in the garbage to once again not clog the sewer.

12 things that categorically impossible to wash off in the sink and toilet

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