Mini dress on straps from motifs


That mini dress on straps You can tie in winter and get out beautiful in the summer. Who owns a crochet technique - this is not a difficult model in the work. Color you can pick up anyone.

Mini dress on straps from motifs

Size: 38/40.

You will need:

-400 g Yellow Caprino yarn (60% cotton, 40% polyacryl)

- Hook number 3,5.

Square: knit according to the scheme 1. All the following squares knit 1st, new 4th p. Join the previous squares. For this, instead of the average. Corner Arch or Central Arch knit for the arch of previous squares 1 tbsp. B / N, see arrows in the diagram.

Triangle: knit according to Scheme 2. in 4th. R. Join the previous squares as described for the scheme 1.

Arches from "shells": * 1 tbsp. b / n per arc, 10 tbsp. S / H per arc, repeat from *, finish 1 compound. Art. In the 1st Art. b / n.

Knitting density: Square: 12x12 cm. Triangle: 12x12x17 cm

Attention! The bottom and top of the sense separately and then connect the crochet.

Lower: Tie 16 squares and connect them by pattern.

Top: Tie 22 squares and 13 triangles them by pattern.

Assembly: connect the bottom and upper part as follows: 1st Circle R.: To shake the thread to the angular sodament of the lower part and to this angle to tie 1 tbsp. B / N, * 7 Wards. p., in the 4th st .c / 2n 1 tbsp. B / N, 7 Rev.. p., for the next arch 1 tbsp. B / N, 7 Rev.. p., for the next arch 1 tbsp. B / N, 7 Rev.. p. 1 Art. b / n in the 4th century. C / 2N, 7 Wards. p. 1 Art. b / n angle, repeat from *, finish 1 compound. Art. In the 1st Art. b / n. 2nd round : Go 4 compound. Art. By the middle of the 1st Arch, 1 remove. p. and 1 tbsp. B / N in the same arch. * 3 RED. p. 1 Art. B / N in the appropriate n. The base of the triangles of the upper part (see the arrows in Scheme 2), 3 Wards. p. 1 Art. B / N for the next arch, repeat from *, finish 1 compound. Art. In the 1st Art. b / n. As a result of the connection of the lower and top part, the slight difference in width is aligned. Take all edges with arches from "shells".

The model is taken from the magazine "Sabrina" 6/2012

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