Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class


Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class.

Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class.

Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class.

Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class.

Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class.

Weaving 3D paintings. Video master class.

We will need ready-made framework for photos or paintings. Only wooden are suitable, they are sold in stores for creativity or in bagent workshops.

To create a linear mesh-base, you will need small upholstery cloves with a flat hat and a hammer. Turn the frame to the back side up, we make markup from two opposite sides - put the points in places where we will drive the cloves. So that the tree does not split them, they are not at a flat line, but as if a little in a checkerboard.


For tension, durable merserized cotton is suitable as the basis. This is a natural cotton, which has passed a special processing, as a result of which the natural nose is removed. The thread becomes durable, soft and shiny, similar to silk, does not sit down and does not mind. It is necessary to fix the thread on the first carnation - it is good to wind up, tie and fix the leap droplet. Next, stretch it to the first carnation on the opposite side, wrap around it, stretching slightly, and return to the other side to the next nail.

We repeat the wraps and turns until we reach the last nail. Finally fix the thread, tie and cut off. For the strength to add a drop of glue. It turned out a handheld weaving machine.


Take a big needle with a long and wide ear. The special needle for yarn, metallic or plastic is best suited. We will reflect the color thread into it, for the start of cotton, wool or acrylic of the middle thickness. Subsequently, when we purchase some experience, we will be able to use fantasy yarn and threads of different textures and composition. Color choose according to the drawing, which decided to create. And on the contrary, it is possible to create a picture depending on the threads that we have, following our fantasy.

We carry the needle with the thread through the mesh-base, passing alternately above and under the threads of the grid. In the opposite direction by moving the needle, changing "over" and "under" to form a simple interweaving. Weching the color thread with an additional needle to the lower edge of the frame after each row.


On our simple picture, I will show the mountain of dark blue, gray or green. To get a slope of the mountain weave in the corresponding row one loop less. If you print a picture on a sheet of paper and put on the table under the frame, it will be easier for us to navigate when you make a slug and enter a new thread.

If the snow is on the top of the mountain, change the thread on white and reach the snowy top, fixing the end of the thread on the reverse side of the work. I will show the clouds, the sun and the sky, changing the color of the thread and following the drawing.


For children and beginners there is a simpler way to create a tapestry and woven decorative napkin. As a basis, we use cardboard, on the two opposite sides of which we will make cuts. Vertical threads will be fixed alternately in these cuts, and the threads of another color will be placed horizontal rows.


In the same way, you can make funny little men, panels with pomponchiks and even a pupa rug, where instead of the filament, use cotton wands.


An interesting tapestry will get with the combination of finished threads and yarn from different materials made by their own. It can be lanes of denim, knitwear and fibers of wool felting. They can be placed horizontally or at a different angle, alternating the color and type of threads.


See what different tapestries create craftsmen using different positions of the threads and different types of weave, showing fantasy


Such handmade is highly valued all over the world, and who knows - perhaps, starting with mini-tapestries on a piece of cardboard, you will become a master creating a real man-made miracle!


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