Space Space


The child did not want to sleep in his own bed, and parents found a solution to this problem. They just built a spacecraft in his room

Some children do not like to sleep in their crib and spend the night with their parents. Adults, of course, are not delighted with such a situation and prefer to rest at night from their beloved Chad. User Reddit under the nickname "DERICRW" and his wife found a solution to this problem. They turned the bed of their son into a spacecraft from Star Wars. And within this starship is not only a sleeping place, but also a lot of steep space pieces.

Family couple from Oklahoma came up with a project of an unusual bed so that their son spend the night to his own bed

Space Space

The head of the family works in the studio "Oklahoma Kid Designs", and he does not first create something with his own hands

Space Space

Frame bed collected in the form of a spacecraft and secured under the ceiling

Space Space

Then they made the trim and took up internal filling

Space Space

The son was delighted with this idea and actively helped parents in the construction of a space bed.

Space Space

Inside for a comfortable sleep, a double bed, LED backlight and air circulation fan installed

Space Space

On the opposite wall hanged the TV to the child could be lying in bed to watch favorite cartoons

Space Space

Also, the wall is equipped with a cache in which space weapons are stored

Space Space

In such a small room, it was not possible to put the full version of the ship, and it was decided to build a part, and the rest to try on the wall

Space Space

Thanks to this, the feeling that the ship is about to leave the borders of the room and fly away to the hyperspace

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