How to hang toilet paper?


Humanity has always been divided into two halves: on those who prefer tea and on those who drink in the morning only coffee. For those who makes themselves a dog and on those who love only cats from homemade pets. There are very funny divisions.

For example, one hangs a roll of toilet paper with ribbon to yourself, while others on the contrary - a paper ribbon from ourselves. There is, however, the third - those who hang paper as they fell, or simply keep it on the floor.

How to hang toilet paper?

The end of these comic discussions and hot disputes recently put American Journalist Owen Williams from The Next Web. In the archives, he found one important document. Digging in old papers, Owen stumbled upon a patent for "toilet paper twisted or rolled into a roll." This document is dating in 1891 and belongs to an entrepreneur from New York Setu Wieler.

Drawings and drawings of toilet paper were attached to the patent. Wheeler depicted on them how it should be broken from the roll. On them, the paper tape is turned outward, that is, closer to themselves. But in the document itself, nothing is written about the correct location of the roll. However, Set Wheeler, apparently, implied his drawing, which is exactly what you need to hang a roll.

How to hang toilet paper?

Now the perennial dispute about the toilet paper is completed. "Won" those who suspended the way the American entrepreneur portrayed. Although, in fact, how to attach this subject of hygiene in the toilet room, of course, a personal matter and the right of everyone.

No one will argue only about one thing: toilet paper is one of the most useful inventions of humanity. And we must be grateful to Seth Welera, who more than a hundred years ago very much simplified our lives. By the way, he invented and make the toilet paper perforated, that is, divided into squares.

How to hang toilet paper?

It was done to make it more convenient to tear off the "wrapping" paper, as well as not to get out of superfluous.

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