Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement


Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Sergey shakes the passengers of his SUV, showing the possibilities of the full drive, and boldly rushing along the forest road. Without such a car, there is nothing to do here: there will not be close to his new home on the car. Last summer, he, together with his wife, I left the apartment in the Mogilev panel and went to the irreversible wilderness. Here the guys are trying to build a new life for themselves and other people who once will definitely arrive. A young family learned to earn away from civilization and live in their pleasure. Together with the only neighbor, they are trying to create a whole settlement with all amenities, work and entertainment. While everything goes according to plan.

Neither religion, nor ideology - only their own ideas about life, reaching the "plastic" world. Sergey and Yana always wanted to live outside the city, away from noisy neighbors, information debris and eternal fear to break someone's space. Once still decided. They agreed in price with a man from under Rankov, gave a deposit, and after a long time they lost him out of sight, until they stumbled upon the announcement of the sale of the same building, but already five times more expensive. They said goodbye to the money spent spent and continued to search.

And then came here, in the village of Valevka near Novogrudkom.Colleso, the old car was stripped in the mud in the midst of the forest and did not let go.

- There was heavy rain. Over the field there was a march, the roads were blurred. We drove a couple of hundred meters and snapped. Tired and wet, we got to the farm, where I got acquainted with Vladimir. He pulled out our car and told about these places. After a half weeks, we have already drawn up documents and prepared for moving, "the guys are carrying us to the Vladimir himself and talk about their adventure.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

How much is it at home and what is this place?

In the midst of the old Grab forest, there are only a few houses: one "rich", two interesting and pair-troika broken. One of them belongs to Vladimir - a man who lives here for almost 20 years.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

In 1999, he helped the old friend to transport things to the next village. Red around the surroundings, something hooked - it remained. He took off the room from a local grandmother, bought a plot and immediately began to build a house.

There was no money for the construction of a man, I had to get out and build from what was: wood, clay and sawdust. Says, for almost 20 years - no defects: the stove is still drowning, the walls are kept warm, even the foundation did not want.

In a small double-decker house there is a spacious kitchen with a living room, a bedroom and a large basement. The part of the house is reserved under the greenhouse, but the hands before it have not yet reached.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

- Why did he move? Yes, because I am free. At first I wanted to leave the Caucasus, in the most distant mountains, but then fell in love with these places. Previously, I served an officer, then in Minsk business was engaged: I bought old apartments, I did repair there and resell. You can earn here, although not everyone can.

If a person has no passion for independent life, some inner freedom, then life is not for him. The slave will always be a slave. He is always afraid of losing stability and cannot understand that there is no stability that it does not exist.

A few years ago, Vladimir wanted to sell the house and build in the neighborhood, but did not suggest the desired price: they were given only $ 25 thousand, and no less than $ 33 thousand had to be sold to a new building. I decided not to sell.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Sergey's house and Janana is nearby. The guys bought it for only $ 5.5 thousand. Here they are about half a year, and before that they lived with ordinary urban life: Yana worked as a psychologist, Sergey leisured with wedding shooting. They had their own apartment in Mogilev, the noisy neighbors and the standard set of problems of the modern man who burden them more than the rest.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

- At first they were looking for something near Minsk, but did not find anything worthy. It was not wanted to settle in a regular village: what's the point of going to nature, if the neighbors there will also be so bloated and pouring chemicals in a garden, which is your well? We looked at all generic settlements of the country, but also they did not attract us: it seems people living there, they will lead their dances, they all are good - but not our. We decided to go to the farm and pull people. We even were ready to buy a house without electricity, toilet, soul and build all this with your own hands, but then it turned up this option, "the couple says.

The guys bought house, practically unlikely: decided to use it as a pilot project, which will show what they really want. Inside it is attractive smoothly, as far as unprecedated outside: Author's furniture, wooden floors and double-glazed windows, a warm furnace, which has two Sphinx cat, the necessary equipment, the Internet. The guys left exactly 0 rubles on the inner decoration: it was not necessary to buy anything at all.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

The thermometer on the window shows 33 degrees of heat: due to the small area heated the room is easier than simple.

This house is a temporary measure. In the future, the family plans to build a dome on the hill, in the middle of the forest. Already sizes considered: 10 meters in diameter, an area of ​​120 "squares".

- Dome houses have energy efficiency higher, more useful area, and the consumption of building materials is less. While we look after, we think, we believe. It is unlikely that we will build in the near future, while you want to make a small extension and establish life here to see all the "shoals" and understand what we really want, "Yana says.

Salary "Five hundred", a table for $ 60 thousand and one hundred percent employment of the population

Today, there are no unemployed on the farm: all three inhabitants work and earn. And all because Sergey and Yana thought about moving in advance and approached the case competently. Before you buy a ticket to one end, they radically changed the business of the activity and took up the web design to get the opportunity to work remotely. Let me go to courses, received certificates, practiced a little and began to work out the client base. Periodically, the guys have to dangle in Mogilev and close the working issues, but the main part of the profits brings remote work.

"When Yana worked at school, she earned exactly on gasoline to work and back, no longer missed for anything," Sergey's wife prevails for the story.

"So I worked just a few months: you need to love too much to work for free." Then went into sales. At first they paid $ 250 somewhere, then they rolled at all to $ 150. But on the very first month on the remote, I earned $ 450, then a little more. In general, the average salary, living in the village, you can, - reasoning the girl.

- Yes, $ 500 can be having sitting on the fifth point!

- Now online specialties allow you to work anywhere. We have friends who worked on a tree all their lives, one of many thousands of seven dollars scrap, but they earn at Instagram. Just started the blog - and that's it. So I think that anyone is ready to live in the village can live and work in the village and find yourself use.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Vladimir smiles modestly, and after still expresses his position:

- You need to work smoothly as much as you want. If I have a desire, I can work and 12 hours in a row, and when there is no mood - I do not do anything at all.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

The work of Vladimir is the most creative: a man has produced author's furniture from a tree for many years. He recently created a site on the Russian domain, where his work is presented. Part of the products are simple tables and chairs, which are usually used in the interiors of the café of national cuisine, in saunas or at dachas. There are works and more complicated. He recently put up for sale two tables, each worth $ 8,000. Countertops in them are made of centenary cereals, which a man accidentally found when working in a garden, legs from "oak bouquets".

The most expensive "exhibit" in his collection is now under production. Vladimir is working on a five-meter table of 260-year-old oak dressed in oil. It will cost $ 60 thousand. It has not been so expensive orders, but Vladimir is sure that everything is ahead.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

- The site appeared quite recently, now Yana with Sergey took up his promotion. I think the demand will be. Then we will make a website for the Belarusians - there will be a little deocratic price, "explains the man.

All his house is decorated with their own works: everything - from the legs of the chest to the screw staircase - made with their own hands. By the way, it was he who did a staircase in one of the most unusual homes in the country, which we have already told.

Previously, Vladimir was still engaged in agrotourism, but recently the flow of guests left for no: not enough advertising. But not just so here came new neighbors, working tightly on the Internet. Promise to promote.

About the construction of your own village

Somewhere in the labyrinths not built while the village has the most real owned durable. In the middle of settlement, a spacious building has been increased, which was preparing to become a school where there will be no estimates, no exams - only concentrated knowledge without impurities of unrest and stress. Building a little delayed, but work on it continues. This is one of the parts of the future settlement.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

- Let's call this guest house. We are not yet sure exactly how it will be used, - explains Vladimir. - Once upon a time I came to mind the idea of ​​a building that will consist of "honeycomb". I was always slightly knotted, so immediately began to act. For a while I was looking for an investor - and interested people were found, but later they estimated their strength and decided that they would not pull. Businessmen counted: if everyone does from modern materials, hiring people and so on, it will cost about $ 2 million. Of course, there was no such money. So now we are bypass. I think we will create a hotel here or something in this spirit.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wooden frame is already fully ready, one of the walls are sewn with straw blocks, the boiler room is built nearby, electricity is connected to the premises, but as soon as it will be ready, completely unclear.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Going on. Somewhere in the field we find a spacious bath with a deep pool, nearby - two small houses for recreation.

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

A few years ago, Vladimir received eight or nine sites with abandoned farms. A man bought them to recreate them and save them to descendants. Of course, there is a commercial component.

- If people still go here, they will be able to restore their homes and together with us work on the arrangement of the settlement. I hope we will refund your life in these places, "guys accompany us. - We would not want to go here fanatics and people who are fastened on some strange ideas. I would like to just get good, sane neighbors who will not include the songs of Mikhail Circle, fry the kebab and yelling until the night, but they will love nature and maintain a zhozh. All we have conceived is just an attempt to create your life. Would you like to choose your neighbors?

Wilderness A young family bought a house for $ 5.5 thousand and builds her own settlement

If you have a desire to learn more about life in the settlement, questions can be asked Sergey and Yane: [email protected]

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