I-Mastery of Shoe Box


Uma ukhipha amabhokisi akuvumeli unembeza, zama okungenani ukuba uwaguqule abe yinto ewusizo. Izandla zethu azingesizi isithukuthezi!

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

Namuhla ngaphansi kokubona - amabhokisi avela ezicathulweni. Akunakwenzeka ukuthi ungenze kusuka kubo.

1. Amashalofu anesitayela ngesitayela sobuciko be-pop. Ufuna amabhokisi nje amabhokisi namashidi amakhadibhodi anhlobonhlobo

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

2. Umhleli wezintambo. Isinqumo esinesitayela, ukuthi ungayeka kanjani ukudideka inqwaba "yokushaja"

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

3. noma umgqugquzeli wezimbambo nezinye izinto ezincane zokuhlobisa. Uma inalitha kanye nobuciko obusondelene kunendlela

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

4. IPanno eguqula udonga oluyisidina

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

5. I-Toy City Yezingane

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

6. Futhi uma isikere ne-glue kungakubangeli ukuhlasela kanye nokuhlaselwa kwesilwane okuhlaselwa yisilwane - khona-ke indlu yonke yezingane. Ngempahla ephelele

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

7. Ibhasikidi yepikinikini yothando

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

8. Thenga isembozo esivela ebhokisini lezicucu ngendwangu noma ngephepha lokufakelwa, uthele izikhonkwane ezilula zokubhala - futhi indawo yokuhlobisa isilungile

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

9. Futhi ebhokisini elingenalutho, ungafaka izihlahla eziningana kusuka kumathawula wephepha noma ephepheni lasendlini yangasese. Futhi ungabe usabheka izinto zokubhala kuyo yonke indlu

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

10. Inketho elula kunazo zonke ukuthuthukisa ukwakheka kwebhokisi ngosizo lwamakhadi amadala avela ku-satin futhi aqhubeke nje lapho yonke into encane.

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

11. Upende, I-Faint and Lesikhumba Lesikhumba Lesikhumba - Izithako Zokuguqulwa Komlingo Kwebhokisi Ku-Retro-Suits for Home and Photo Shouts

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

12. Yenza ibhokisi lesipho esihle

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

13. Futhi ama-guits athuthukile angazama ukwenza izinselelo

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

14. noma iphazili enebhola

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

15. Yebo, okungenani i-miniaturature Putter Persety Theatre!

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

16. I-oveni evela ebhokisini - iziqu ezilula zokusebenza kwezingane

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

17. Akaqinisekile ngokuthenga upiyano enganeni? Athuthukise ukuthambekela kwakhe komculo ngaleli thuluzi elingaphezulu elivela kwisivalo nerabha eliqinile

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

18. Zenzele ibhokisi leposi

I-Mastery of Shoe Box

19. noma ngisho ne-projektha yefilimu esebenzisa ilensi eyandayo enamandla

I-Mastery of Shoe Box


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