Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira


Ho etsa palesa ea Can e tsoang Feamyran | Masters Fair - Handmade, Handmade

Cannes ke palesa e ntle haholo ebile e sa tloaelehang, ke e khothaletsa hore u be le sekhahla se nang le li-cannes tse sebelisang thepa e sebetsang haholo - Foamiran, fom kapa Sefora.

Ke ile ka etsa digge tsa li-buds tse peli le lipalesa tse 'ne tse bulehileng.

Ho sebetsa, u tla hloka: Thuto e khanyang, terata ea tai. Ea lipalesa tsa lipalesa, pente e khubelu ea oli, seponche sa ho sebelisa pente, seponche se bosehileng (kapa se seng ka khetho ea hau).

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ho tloha Thomas, o hloka ho khaola likarolo tse 6 tsa masapo ka tlase ho lipalo 1-3, likarolo tse 'ne ka lipaterone 4-6.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ke ile ka sebetsa ntle le tšepe, 'me ke ile ka mema petal e' ngoe le e 'ngoe ka har'a mothapo ebe ke hlaha, memeloa, memeloa,' me ke tsoe, e be e fana ka sebopeho ka menoana.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Tlhokomeliso! Li-petals ka palo 2 e hloka ho fana ka sebopeho joalo ka foto:

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Lihlaso li sebetsoa, ​​li otlolla hanyane ka tsela e fapaneng:

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Re beha pente ea sephooko le ho kopanya petal petal.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Wire Bend, hore e fetoha mehele le tjeke joalo ka ha e le foto, ba babeli ba pepeneneng, ba bararo ka bohale.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

E fetoha hore re na le buds tse tšeletseng feela tse sa khaotseng, tse setseng, tse setseng re se siuoa, 'me tse' ne u hloka ho fetoha lipalesa tse bulehileng.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Re nka libaka tse ling 4, 5, 6 , Lipontšo tsa foto Kopano ea Kopano!

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira


Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Mona e bile fofotso e bulehileng :)

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ka mor'a moo, ho hlokahala hore o tsoele mohala o mong le o mong oa Wip-Ribbon, o ile a khahlapetsa ka palesa ebe o bokella lekala ho tloha bukeng e 'meli e tsoang li-buds tse peli tse sa tsoakoang.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ke tla hloba lipalesa tse ntle.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ke e etsa ka thuso ea teipi e le 'ngoe ho etsa hore ho be bonolo ho roala cap ho tloha mokatong oa moriri.

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira

Ke seo ke se entseng. Khoebisa le sekhomaretsi ha ho hlokahale! Lipalesa tsa Wire, kahoo palesa e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e ka fuoa tataiso e lakatsehang bakeng sa botle bo boholo! Ke tla thabela maikutlo a hau!

Ho etsa palesa ea cannes ho tsoa ho foamira


Bala Haholoanyane