Antique Amphora o etse wena


Ke fana ka tlhokomelo ea hau mosebetsi o monate oo lerato le tsamaeang le eena o entseng. Ke khahloa ke mesebetsi ea matsoho ea rona ea mesebetsi ea matsoho, hoo e batlang e se efe ho se letho le tsoileng matsoho!

Mantsoe a sengoli a qotsa ka botlalo.

Ke khahliloe ke beng ka marang-rang, 'me ka etsa qeto: Ke tla iketsetsa! Ho na le lintho tse ling. Mohlala, liphula tsa mollo. Joale ke hobane'ng ha e se hlasele thetso? Ka pele ka potlako! Bophahamo ba 67 cm, bophara ba 30 cm. Joale, u se u ntseba! E etse habonolo habonolo. Ha re leke hammoho?

Mohloli oa Caster oa Craft Product Profil Desithing Antique Amphora le Li-hands Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Balolis

2. Kahoo, theola bolo ea moea. E tlamele ka khoele e telele. Re fumana karolo ea mothapo oa polasetiki (ea lulang kamora tokiso). Bolo e kenya feela ka tube. Qetellong ea khoele e tla leketla ho tsoa pupe. Sena ke ho fihlela joale, bolo ea bongole e ka e hula ka hare. E nka e le hantle.

Wizard Craft Craft Product Design Design Armique Amphora ka li-gypsusus pent ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

3. Kopanya bandage ea Gypsum ka likotoana. Haufi re tla beha senoelo ka ho roka metsi, e le hore ho bonolo ho soma likhaba tsa band. Metsi a mocheso oa kamore, ha ho na mofuthu. Ho seng joalo, ba tlama ka potlako 'me ba lahleheloa ke foromo, e e thatafatsang.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Design Antique Amphora le Li-Gypsum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

4. Bakeng sa bonolo, kenya sekotli se le thabeng e meraro e meraro, ka thata e potlakisa thaole e le hore e se potlake. Hang-hang qala sebaka sa bolo ka tube.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Archique Amphora le Li-Aries Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

5. Metsotso e 'ngoe ea 5-10 (Gypsum e bataletse) Tsoela pele ho ruruha bolo, ho phunya jareteng haufi le axis.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Archique Amphora ka Li-Gypsum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baication Photo 5

6. Ha re qeta ho khomarela bolo, re beha sekotlolo se holimo (eo eseng u hauhele, hobane re tla lula moo), 'me rea hokela le bolo.

Mohloli oa Caster oa Craft Product Product Desiting Antique Amphora le Li-Gypsum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball

7. Etsa eka bolelele ba molala. Ho soma haholo ha ho nyefola, ka pono, bonolo. Mothating ona, terata e telele, kapa khoele e bohale ho phunya bolo holim'a molala oa Thekora, mme o tlohelle khoele ka hloko.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Archique Amphora ka Li-Gypsum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

8. Ho tsoa teraneng ea tšepe e tšoarellang, grind sebetsana, a e sutumelletsa ka bandage ea bohloka, re e hokahanya le bandage e tšoanang e seng e ts'ohile. Ka tsela e tšoanang re khaola mohala. Re theha molala. Ke ile ka ikoetlisa ka lehlakoreng le leng ka ho hatisa moqolo oa bandage.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Armique Amphora With Mater Mater Libe Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

9. Oli o omme ho qeta ho futhumatsa ka metsi ho ea ho boemo ba metsi a bolila. Re kenya kopo sebakeng sohle sa sekepe. Kamora ho omisa, pampiri ea Emery ea nomoro ea Emery 180. Ka makhetlo a mararo.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Design Antique Amphora le Li-Gypsum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

10. Mona ke amphora e phethiloeng. Mohato o latelang ke ts'ebetso ea priterlic Primer (kaho). Ke ne ke le habeli habeli.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Design Antique Amphora le Li-Ariasisus Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baseball

11. Pentšele e bonolo e ile ea baka mokhoa. Mokhoa o nkiloeng ka botlalo le vase ea 'nete ea khale. Empa ba ile ba etsa litoro tsa bona. Ka mantsoe a mang, e bile kopi ea mahala. Ho feta moo, setšoantšo se felisitsoeng, ho ne ho e-na le boea ba mothapo. Ts'ebetso ena e nkisa ka matsatsi a mabeli, ha vase e kholo, 'me' na, ho penta, e sothile ka mangole. Ka hona, ho ne ho hlokahala hore mokhoa o neng o sebelisoa pele o lokile. Qetellong ea pente ea bongata, o ile a boela a feta Primer.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Archique Amphora ka Li-Gypsum Pant Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Baication Photo 11

12. pente ka ho haha ​​penta tšepe. Hang-hang meqolo ea boronse ea boapehi e tsofala, 'me ea hlaba boragar. Mabenkeleng ho na le meriti e fapaneng ea bnze.

Mokhahlelo oa Bobeli oa Craft Product Desitive Design Armique Amphora le Li-Silppsum Pant Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball

13. Mona ho boetse ho ngolla logo ea hau.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Armique Amphora ka Li-Gypsum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball

14. Gorlashko haufi.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Archique Amphora ka Li-Gypsusus Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball

15. Setsi se boetse se na le mohlala.

Workshop Crafts Product Desition Design Armique Amphora With Mater Mater Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball Bang 8

16. E ile ea ngola lebitso ha ke mamella pontšo ea pontšo ea pontšo letsatsing la motse oa Bogodukhan. Ke na le bonnete ba hore motho e mong le e mong ea batlang ho etsa ntho e joalo. E shebahala joalo ka bronze ea 'nete. Hang-hang u se ke ua khetholla, esita le ho soaba. Ke kopa hore sehlopha sa ka se sebetse. Haeba motho a etsa joalo, show. Ke tla thabela.

Workshop Crafts Product Design Design Armique Amphora ka Libema tsa Handy Gypsusum Paint Ball Ball Ball Ball Ball


Bala Haholoanyane