Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao


Ny famoronana sketch amin'ny fitafiana ho avy, fahasoavana (fahasoavana Ciao), tsy toy ny lamaody maro - tonga lafatra, dia lavorary tsy misy pensilihazo. Ny sketches of the Shoted Wizard dia manao ny fanampian'ny loko, avy amin'ireo felam-boninkazo izay manangona vokatra vokatra, dia manoratra ny hoe "Lohahevitra mangatsiaka".

Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao
Flower Fashion Designer Grace Chao

Hamaky bebe kokoa