Décor nrog sprigs qhuav, snags thiab tp. Master chav kawm ntawm lub déder of aboire


Yog lawm, lub tswv yim ntawm sab hauv lub décor nrog txhua hom twigs, chopsticks thiab ntoo qhuav yog deb ntawm nova, tab sis nws tsis ua nws tsawg dua. Piv txwv li, Kuv nyiam txhua yam los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv ntuj ntau thiab hauv cov ntawv tshaj tawm no, Kuv tau sim sau cov tswv yim txaus nyiam uas kuv vam tias yuav nyiam koj. Thiab cia peb pib nrog lub decor ntawm lub teeb ci. Yog tias koj mam li nco dheev, koj muaj lub cev tsis tsim nyog lossis tsim nyog, tab sis sab hauv tsim nyog lossis xaiv tau, fusion tsis tau muab tso tseg)))

Lub ntsiab tshaj plaws kom sau cov khoom siv. Rau qhov no, rau pem hauv ntej mus rau tom hav zoov lossis chaw ua si, muaj tag nrho ntawm txhua hom twigs hauv ntiaj teb.

Twig-Stamshade.jpg (600 × 1082)

Theshabbyceepeept.com Khoom siv

Cov twigs yuav tsum tau txiav tawm kom lawv me ntsis ntev dua li lub cev thiab kua nplaum kub.

Lo-Teeb-Ntxoo (600 X 400, 118KB)

Stamsade-Pleev (600x400, 95KB)

Teeb-Ntxoov-pleev (600x400, 152kb)

Twigs-on-Ntxoov (600x450, 146kb)

Twig-ntxoov ntxoo (600x400, 189kb)

Twig-StamSade (388X700, 173kB)

Thawj-tsob ntoo-ceg-décor-tswv yim-1 (600x450, 200kb)

Décor nrog sprigs qhuav, snags thiab tp. Master chav kawm ntawm lub déder of aboire 16244_9
Tsis yog tus niam tsev "Alt =" décor nrog cov sprigs qhuav, snag thiab tp. Master-chav kawm ntawm lub décor ntawm aboire "/>
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Ib qho chaw

Nyeem ntxiv