Articles #24

17 people who instead of a banal trip to IKEA create cool furniture with their own hands

17 people who instead of a banal trip to IKEA create cool furniture with their own hands
Most often with old furniture, it is customary to do the same: tolerate and live on, to get into the cottage and buy a new one or just throw out. However,...

Knitted suit for Paola Reina doll. Julia Easy work

Knitted suit for Paola Reina doll. Julia Easy work
This is a simple suit quickly and easily contacted for the crash (body of 2018) from the remains of yarn. Undoubtedly, not for the collection wardrobe,...

Toplar do it yourself, or a house for Clematis

Toplar do it yourself, or a house for Clematis
Slear is a lattice support for almost any curly plants.A few years ago, I had a pretty lilac clematis in my garden. Its flowers, similar to the blades,...

What to do with bottles of water if they have accumulated too much to spring

What to do with bottles of water if they have accumulated too much to spring
Fearing to drink from the tap, we are increasingly buying artesian water in 5-liter bottles. Over time, it arises quite a logical question: what can be...

Choose a color for knitted jumper. Yellow - not only for children

Choose a color for knitted jumper. Yellow - not only for children
Yellow is considered the most positive in the entire color palette. Therefore, it is particularly often chosen for children's things.But far to every adult...

Patchwork from Kutur-awesome needlework in the new Dolce & Gabbana collection

Patchwork from Kutur-awesome needlework in the new Dolce & Gabbana collection
A duet from Italy Dolce & Gabbana is one of the pets from Russians. Femininity and cheerfulness and always beautiful bright fabrics ... For...

Never believe it embroidered this needlewoman: an amazing embroidery on the eggshell!

Never believe it embroidered this needlewoman: an amazing embroidery on the eggshell!
I will show you today amazing and unusual embroidery! When I saw the first time, I didn't understand right away, as this beauty is exactly embroidered....

How to turn an unsightly bathroom in stylish space

How to turn an unsightly bathroom in stylish space
In the apartments of the old residential foundation, a tiny space is assigned to the bathroom, while putting it in order - the occupation is very expensive....

Rugs that do not need to sew or knit. Very easy way to manufacture

Rugs that do not need to sew or knit. Very easy way to manufacture
Surprisingly, it is sometimes able to think about the person who is too lazy to work, strain. This is really too lazy - the engine of progress. Joke!I...

Dragonflies from bead

Dragonflies from bead
Dragonflies from beads will be fascinated by gentle translucent, if you correctly pick a bead.

Interesting bag for iron and iron

Interesting bag for iron and iron
INTEPENE BUSINES FOR HARPING IRONE, which is one of the one and the choices are also chosen.Dutched ironing, published on Na Tomercale, PRAYED - and VCE...