Articles #1653

Making a simple Tues.

Making a simple Tues.

Crafts from salt dough !!! Just and very beautiful!

Crafts from salt dough !!! Just and very beautiful!
I am writing a pick-up recipe for you, which is constantly useful: I do not add anything to the dough - 2 cups of flour, 1 glass of extra "extra" and almost...

How fast and cheap make garden tiles do it yourself

How fast and cheap make garden tiles do it yourself
To arrange the tracks in the garden, you can make a concrete tile with your own hands. It will cost quite inexpensive, and it will not take as much...

How to make a simple toy for dog yourself

How to make a simple toy for dog yourself
Domestic lovers always need to move. And how can it still be provided, except to constantly engage in specialized sites? Of course play! The game is...

12 stylish knitted and stitched handbags on the belt

12 stylish knitted and stitched handbags on the belt
A truly adult becomes when the kochan cabbage is placed in your bag and you ... do not hesitate!from the InternetHello, dear readers and needlewomen ?All...

Decorating the cakes for Easter: 40 modern ideas

Decorating the cakes for Easter: 40 modern ideas
Easter do not decorate anything, because she is ready and beautiful in itself. But if you want to make it unsurpassed and original, then these ideas...

Home puppet theater. Simple ideas for creating the theater

Home puppet theater. Simple ideas for creating the theater
Today I want to show you the idea of ​​a homely doll theater. I am my mother myself, and, of course, I was once a child. I remember how my mother showed...

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art
Many have a cake with a festive table, because it is always a major holiday final. And what can this finale make even more ambitious? That's right -...

Origami from the fabric: I have not seen this yet!

Origami from the fabric: I have not seen this yet!
Are you familiar with unusual patchwork technique, which allows you to make beautiful and very original volumetric figures from the fabric? It is called...