Several recipes for making makeup removal


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So, below you will see several recipes, how to do the milk to remove makeup.

We take the calendula on the water. It is prepared from dry or fresh flowers. The tablespoon of colors is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for several hours. We will need 0.5-0.75 glasses of this infusion. Distribute one egg yolk with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Now mix all the components: the infusion of calendula, yolk with butter, 250 ml of fresh milk cream, squeezed out of 3 lemons juice, a few drops of an orange or lemon essential oil, 25 g of camphor oil and one tablespoon of honey. Honey, by the way, is needed in order that when mixing all the components, they formed a homogeneous mass, and not clearly pronounced two-phase (that is, the oils are not floating at the top of the mixture). Otherwise you have to shake the mixture before each application. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Such a milk for removing makeup with oily skin, especially in the cold season.

For normal skin, it is possible to make a simpler composition: continuously stirring, to one cup of cream gradually add yolks, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, a tablespoon of cognac. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator in glassware.

Finally, for dry skin, we will prepare a mixture with the addition of medicinal herbs. In 100 g of dairy cream, 2 yolks and 5 tablespoons of lemon juice are mixed. 30 g of herbal infusion (a series of chamomile is added - all that is recommended for sensitive skin), divorced in 25 g of vodka and 2 tablespoons of glycerol.

Let's analyze each composition. For oily skin, we take more lemon juice, because because of it cream can be crossed, be sure to add honey. Camphor oil improves blood supply, in combination with other components, the process of skin cells will be activated. Improve the complexion of the face. The skin will be more elastic and taped.

An herbal infusion that is added to the milk for dry skin must have a soothing effect on it. Herbs are an additional source of vitamins. The substances that are contained in the egg yolk (notice, we added two yolks to the last milk, and not one), restore the hydrolyphid balance of the skin. Simply put, yolks are needed to moisturize the skin and to help hold moisture.

Each of the recipes is designed to prepare 100-150 g of milk. This volume with regular use is just spent during the time you can store the milk in the refrigerator. If you are afraid that the cream thickens, take not ready-made cream, but remove them from the graveyard milk. Those cream that are sold in packages are also not usually thick. These recipes are designed for use both with normal and waterproof cosmetics. However, it is necessary to refrain from the use of milk to remove makeup with eyes, especially if you have taken a recipe for dry skin. Lemon juice and other components can cause eye irritation. Fans of natural cosmetics can be advised to take advantage of in this case by castor oil.

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