12-year-old boy learned to sew to make more than 800 toys for sick children



The modern world is very stingy on good, but not all is lost, if there are people like Campbell Rimes. This is the most ordinary boy of 12 years old who is fond of not the most ...

The modern world is very stingy on good, but not all is lost, if there are people like Campbell Rimes. This is the most ordinary boy of 12 years old, who is fond of far from the most common thing - he sews toys.

Not so amazing the fact of making fluffy cute little animals, like what he does hard for free for sick kids who are located in the local hospital. Initially, Rimesa called "Project 365 by Campbell", but the child has already created more than 800 soft toys, and, probably, it's time to rename the idea.



Being a 9-year-old child, little Campbell asked her mother and dad to buy children who are in the local hospital, toys. Parents were forced to refuse the boy at his request, saying that they had no money for this. But Rimesa did not fold on it and decided to sew small gifts on his own.



Putting yourself a goal, our hero decided to make 365 toys that he wanted to give sick children for Christmas. He studied long and stubbornly. At first, naturally, there were not the most presentable specimens, but over time, he even exceeded corporate production.


Campbell Rimesa loved everyone, not only the children who received gifts, but also their parents, medical staff, the inhabitants of the native town, and later, and people from around the world. This little ...





This little enthusiast can serve as an example for many of us. He proved that we can achieve everything, only a desire.

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