A unique puppet house made by grandmother and grandfather for a beloved grandson


This unique puppet house is made by loving grandparents for one little boy.

The baby really liked puppet houses, but, like any other boy, he did not like dolls in dresses, ruffles and other girls nonsense. He dreamed of his special "Malchuk" house. And one day his dream came true. Grandpa, Builder by education, and grandmother (interior designer) made their own hands an incredibly beautiful house from the very real boot.

Puppet House (1)

Puppet House (13)

Dollhouse (12)

Puppet House (6)

A mouse family lives in this house: grandfather-shoemaker and grandmother-embroidery.

Dollhouse (15)

Grandfather Mouse fell in love with the grandmother Mouse at first glance, as soon as he saw her on the market with a purple cabbage in a basket. Inside the house you can see a lot of things that not only gave the family to the wedding, but and which the mouse couple acquired for many years of happy family life.

Puppet house (14)

Puppet House (8)

Puppet house (2)

The grandfather mouse is all his life with a shoemaker, he is chinit and sews very beautiful shoes.

Puppet House (5)

Puppet House (4)

Puppet House (9)

Puppet House (3)

Dollhouse (10)

On the threshold of the house you can see his regular customer, generously paying services for the grandfather.

Puppet House (11)

Grandma Mouse loves to embroider and the other day she embroidered a very beautiful handbag. More grandfather mouse loves to take baths, where his naked legs rest.

Puppet House (7)

Yes, yes, in this house everything is like that! This is a secret told us the owner of the house, a small happy boy from Somerset.

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