Homemade with their own hands - scarecrow


Pictures on request scarecrow garden

Pictures on request scarecrow garden

Scarecrow garden

Interesting, unusual decoration of our garden and at the same time he is sewn. When various berries ripen in our gardens, then a lot of trouble delivered fluttering birds. They wish to enjoy berries and destroy the whole crop we grown. It is necessary to take measures and look for ways to protect the garden and harvest. One of these ways is to create scarecrow garden.

Very scarecrow Garden can be done quite simply, you just need to show fantasy. Take two sticks, one long, and the second shorter and tie a stronger cross-cross. The basis, instead of the head, put on a painted white bag, stuffed with grass, top with a hat or a golk. Wide shaders and shirt in a cage, with a red dipper or colored sundress. You can still hang a laser disk, instead of decoration. That's all.

Self-timers. Scarecrow garden

Make it all better with children, how many jokes and laughter, how much genuine fun and joy. Scarecrow is ready and our harvest is under guard. According to the old folk, beliefs, they scarecrow and walked from the evil eye and damage. Funny figures will serve as decoration and delight the eyes placed at different corners of the garden, they will add a little fun.

But if you take a little more fantasy, you can do something more interesting. For example, a lady in a long skirt and a beautiful flirty hat, which looks like a real lady, who entered the garden for a walk.

Or a funny straw little man, with a good-natured smile and a gorgeous bow, which scares the birds with straw hands. He will always be able to hang off guests. All these cute figures will decorate any garden. Let's protect the garden from the birds of birds and add a little bright humor into our lives.

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