How to calculate your perfect skirt length: simple formula that all women need to know


How to calculate your perfect skirt length: simple formula that all women need to know

Any stylist will confirm that the length of the dresses and skirts are more important, because it helps to make the proportions of the figure harmonious. The ideal length, which would approach at the same time all the girls, of course, do not exist. But it is possible to calculate their own ideal skirt length (dresses) and this can be done without much difficulty.

The figure is what nature gave us, we do the silhouette themselves. A total of a couple of extra centimeters skirt, and your appearance will be spoiled: the legs may seem thicker, in short, and the figure will look more shattered.

How to calculate your perfect skirt length: simple formula that all women need to know

3 steps to search for your perfect length

1. To begin with, decide on the shoes that you are going to wear with this skirt (in any case most often). Now with a centimeter, we measure the body length from the floor to the shoulder. Suppose this figure is 170 cm.

2. Now the resulting number (170 cm) is divided by 1,618. Small reference: 1,618 is the number of golden sections. In our case, the answer is ≈105 cm.

3. Now lower the centimeter from the shoulder to the mark that is equal to the resulting number. This is your perfect skirt length.

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