When water in the sea is cold



Yes, I know, not Friday.

I remembered about the heading "anybody can be contagious."

That, I decided to go to the sea .. Summer because!

When water in the sea is cold sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

As we say: - Summer Sakhalin is soon, not to wipe this day!

As we say: - Summer Sakhalin is soon, not to wipe this day! sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

I am always surprised when I hear about global warming. On the island, Lady, from year to year all colder. Maybe something is wrong with the planet?. Or maybe it's all about the human fault?

I am always surprised when I hear about global warming. On the island, Lady, from year to year all colder. Maybe something is wrong with the planet?. Or maybe it's all about the human fault? sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

I will omit the closed "Beach", where I sit, or the closed sea, in which the fish and whales often come to suicide.

I will omit the clogged

Although, maybe a person here and nothing? After all, whales do not watch TV, do not smoke the spice, do not listen to Bjerk, so what will he want to end with life?

Although, maybe a person here and nothing? After all, whales do not watch TV, do not smoke the spice, do not listen to Bjerk, so what will he want to end with life? sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

Still on the lemmings they were pronounced that they are known to themselves. Or maybe this nature itself controls the types of animals? Every day disappears several types of animals and plants. And this is without the help of a person (I hope).

Still on the lemmings they were pronounced that they are known to themselves. Or maybe this nature itself controls the types of animals? Every day disappears several types of animals and plants. And this is without the help of a person (I hope). sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

Man on the contrary, strive to keep one or another look. Do you know these funds to save any gray-brown-raspberry protein? So I'm there too! I will see the bug that fell in a puddle - I will definitely help her get out - let him breed, I do not feel sorry.

Man on the contrary, strive to keep one or another look. Do you know these funds to save any gray-brown-raspberry protein? So I'm there too! I will see the bug that fell in a puddle - I will definitely help her get out - let him breed, I do not feel sorry. sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

I thought, and maybe we interfere with? Maybe this bug must die. Or this population of protein must give way to another appearance. Or these fucked people did not surrender the planet ... What are we trying to protect it?

I thought, and maybe we interfere with? Maybe this bug must die. Or this population of protein must give way to another appearance. Or these fucked people did not surrender the planet ... What are we trying to protect it? sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

And from whom to defend it? From themselves? It seems to me that the Earth can take care of herself, which you can not say about people. After all, as George Carlin said - "With the planet, everything is in order! This is the people of the rude!"

And from whom to defend it? From themselves? It seems to me that the Earth can take care of herself, which you can not say about people. After all, as George Carlin said -

Do not remember how old the planet? Well, zagugley ... I'll wait.

Do not remember how old the planet? Well, zagugley ... I'll wait. sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

And how much does humanity exist? Yes, only 200 years, as we learned, qualitatively, to divert the land (chemical. Industry, plastic, and all that).

And how much does humanity exist? Yes, only 200 years, as we learned, qualitatively, to divert the land (chemical. Industry, plastic, and all that). sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

I look around ... Packages, bottles Glasses ... Uuuh, bitch! It is not clean on them.

I look around ... Packages, bottles Glasses ... Uuuh, bitch! It is not clean on them. sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

You know my attitude towards people ... Not to all, of course, I feel good to you.

You know my attitude towards people ... Not to all, of course, I feel good to you. sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

Well, you are not a parasite, which only thinks about yourself, your well-being, how would you shy, how to show where, and consume, consume, consume ...

Well, you are not a parasite, which only thinks about yourself, your well-being, how would you shy, how to see where to give, and consume, consume, consume ... Sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

You are not like that, I know. You're good.

You are not like that, I know. You're good. sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

So let's not worry about the planet ... from us and you still do not depend much

So let's not worry about the planet ... from us and you still do not care about the sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

And we will live like humans - helping people, loving nature and listening to the conscience ...

And we will live like people - helping people, loving nature and listening to the conscience ... Sea, needlework, fish, do it yourself, do it yourself

And then, for sure,

Suddenly clouds will scare.

And the grasshopper stuffing on the violin ...


Smile! Maybe not everyone, but I will definitely become lighter ...

By Kollbass.

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