How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi


When you knit things with a sleeve, there is always one problem: in the correct way of the proprietary sleeves.

Now I knit the blouse and in the online topic on the site Osinka found a very cool explanation from the master "Marya-Skinnik_84", for which she has a great one!

How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi

I saw him for a long time, I liked it, I decided that I would remember where I saw and had a safely forgotten. Knitted a dress, searched, but found. Tied the sleeve on such a pattern, lay perfectly. Now, in the blouse, the business has come to the sleeve, I was looking for this description again 2 days, flew off all the Osinka, so the author forgive me, I preserve this magical method here.

Explanation and photo of the author:

"Maybe someone uses for anyone who does not have a pattern of sleeves at hand ...

Remove 2 measurements:

  • Girth of shoulder
  • And the height of the rusher from the end point of the shoulder to the point you need.

How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi

How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi

We carry these 2 values ​​on a sheet of paper and make marks.

How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi

Then we have our cross-stitched product in the shoulders (shelves and back) so that the shoulder seams touch the top mark, and the lower points of the peese shelves and the backs were lower, as if we lay down a hillside (you can cook the tape to secure, but I did quickly without Him) - these points should not leave in the bottom line marks ... and sign on the paper, where before (shelf) and the ass (back). Do not stretch, pre-all the details were moistened and dried.

How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi

Here is our pattern ready ...

How quickly and easily make the pattern of OKATU Sleeves on the existing prugi

On it we can associate two stem details symmetrically each other.

Hope to come in handy to someone. "

A source

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