What made cosmetics in the past ...


Cosmetics has always been a key part of the life of women.

From ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome to the stars of the golden century Hollywood Makeup played an important role not only in how women were perceived by others, but in how they themselves felt.

Nowadays, buying cosmetics, women practically do not risk, because everything is tested, in addition, there are certain standards. In the past, cosmetics often contained hazardous ingredients.


What made cosmetics in the past

Glossy red lips for a long time were considered an inaccessible dream of women, so it is not surprising that those who wanted to catch in the cosmetic industry were looking for ingredients that could create a bright color.

The ingredient, which was popular, was koshenyle (carmine, koshenyle, kinovar) - red dye, obtained from carmine acid produced by females insects Koshenyli.

At the turn of the 20th century, when demand rose on commercially available lipstick, manufacturers used a dye to obtain lipstick for the lips that many women wished. If women knew from what the lipstick would probably cease to eat it.

Although the recipe is not at all new, Cleopatra used the lipstick, which was stained in the red color ingredient from dust-like ants and beetles.

Goat eyebrows skins

What made cosmetics in the past ...

The fashionable style of the eyebrows changed in different periods - from the barely noticeable in the Middle Ages to Black in the 1950s. In ancient Greece, there were eyebrows from goat skins glued with a wood resin.

In the 18th century, women completely pluck their eyebrows, and their places were glued with eyebrows, carved from the skin of the mouse.


What made cosmetics in the past ...

Throughout history, there were always pink cheeks in fashion, today all blush consist of proven and safe ingredients.

In the past, women were used for the ruzy various substances, the most popular was kinovar - volcanic mineral ore of a bright red color containing mercury.

Unfortunately, as we now know, mercury is extremely toxic and can damage the muscular and nervous system.

Needless to say, the cinear is no longer allowed to use in any form of a cosmetic product.


What made cosmetics in the past ...

In different epochs there was a fashion for a different color of the face. So in the 18th century, the aristocratic pallor was popular, it was admired, a vinegar, bismuth and lead used for the manufacture of white powder, who caused a lot of health problems: the teeth were sick, their hair fell out, and the baldness took place. Poisoning lead sometimes led to early death.


What made cosmetics in the past ...

Regular trips to Dentistist are a feature of everyday life in the modern world, and today's women use whitening products, as a rule, to achieve a pearl-white smile. However, in the era of Elizabeth there was a completely different trend. Black teeth were a symbol of status, as Sugar could buy only the richest people. The queen Elizabeth I had such rotten teeth that many of them became completely black. Many of her court ladies immediately followed this example using a toothpowder to blacken your teeth as a sign that they were rich enough to consume a huge amount of sugar. In Japan, painted teeth with a dark brown varnish.

Nail polish

What made cosmetics in the past ...

At the beginning of the 20th century, radioactive radium was used for the manufacture of glowing nail polish. Women who were most exposed to this chemical substance, became known as radia girls, and they were the involuntary victims of the so-called "modern" progress.

From 1917 to 1926, women were recruited at work in factories that produced hours decorated with this radioactive substance. As the girls said that it was absolutely harmless, they used paint as a nail polish and lipstick.

A few years later, it turned out that all of them are poisoned by the radium.

Whale lipstick

What made cosmetics in the past ...

Up until the 70s of the 20th century, whale fat was used to make lipstick. And still on the internet walks the myth that modern well-known brands continue to use whale fat.

You can be sure, modern cosmetics uses jojoba oil, bee wax, cocoa butter and lanolin.

Belladon Drops for Eye

What made cosmetics in the past ...

In the era of the Renaissance in Italy, eye drops from belladonna were used to expand the pupil, believing that the seductive appearance was created. Belladonna contains poison, its use caused a lot of unpleasant consequences: from clouding vision, headaches, hallucinations, dizziness to blindness.

Atropine is the ingredient of belladonna, which causes the expansion of the pupil, is still used today. However, today it is used only for eye research under the supervision of a doctor.

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