Full "freeform" or what is happening in the head of the knitter from Germany. It is worth seeing



"So what is it? What is this folk creativity?"

Cat Matroskin "Winter in Prostokvashino"

I am sure that many of us, needlewomen, are now creating something incredible, awesome and gorgeous! Do you leop out of clay, whether the slippers knit or simply sew the button in an unusual way - all this creation . And everything created by their own hands does not necessarily inspire you to new and new research and creation.

Each needlewoman draws his inspiration from its own sources. TCC, you can not tell anyone! This is your personal secrets for seven seals. Your personal well, where you dive and then diverge, having ready-made in my head idea . Wells with ideas can be walks, rides, nature, hiking in beautiful shops, books, magazines ...

But where finds ideas for their knitted works of needlewoman from Germany - this is a huge question for me. What such an unreal process takes place in a woman's head, which knits strange, but at the same time amazing things that you will not meet in too boring magazines?

Technics "Freeform" - This is the absence of any rules. In knitting, sewing, embroidery. Clean fantasy! Only your creativity!

Froform needlewomen from Germany comes out for all possible frames. (Tell me, please, such a thing belongs to the style of "Bocho" or not?)


Here, I think, opinions are divided. Someone will be solidary with cat Matroskinkin ? A, maybe even stealing stronger. And someone (maybe it will only))) will defend the sacred right to self-expression. Well, the truth is, such a self-expression does not harm others, and, therefore, has the right to exist ?


What I like?

  • Color spectrum
  • Feed your creativity / photo
  • The courage of knitters


The model presented below is perhaps the most coarse.


How? How does she create it? )))

I think shock Now it is experiencing that needlewoman who does not allow a single sticking string on his product and calmly dismisses pollotts, if the loop did not take place on the needle ?


And yet I admire courage and exit for all possible borders ... Seriously, many of us would be able to knit similar things and so demonstrate them? I am sure that the capes buy her well, because you can't find anything anywhere else!





Express your opinion, please) it will be very interesting to read your comments.

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