Products that we always soap are wrong


Products that we always soap are wrong

Everyone who takes care of their health, know how important it is thoroughly washing foods after shopping. It would seem, we won't think of anything easier, just it is necessary that open the crane and substitute the product under the water stream. But in this simple matter there are nuances and difficulties.

Frozen vegetables

Products that we always soap are wrong

Frozen vegetables in bright packages are largely facilitated by the life of a working person: they can be simply filled in a pan and immediately boil. But here is your secret. Before frost, vegetables are prepared, including treated with water, submitted under strong pressure. Therefore, many do not wash frozen vegetables before use, and it is appropriate if the dish is prepared at high temperatures. However, if you prefer the Al Dente vegetables, then you should rinse them thoroughly and cook just like fresh, especially if they are frozen on their own or bought for weight. In this case, the billets were open to bacteria and other people's hands.


Products that we always soap are wrong

All types of rice must be flushed 3-4 times before cooking, especially long-grain. And the point here is not in possible dust or other pollution, but in the starch, which is on the surface of the grains. It is because of it, the prepared rice sticks out into a viscous porridge and looks unappiciously, while the pre-washed looks like exemplary - grains to the grain. Also it is worthwheeling and other starchy cereals - corn or wheat - several times, to transparent water, for greater Preparation of the finished dish.

Mussels and Oysters

Products that we always soap are wrong

Any seafood in the sinks must be thoroughly rinsed, even if you bought them in a frozen form. The fact is that sand and algae from water can accumulate in the sinks themselves. Pollution overlook the surface when preparing and can add your dish, but you do not need such "seasonings" at all.

Milk and dairy products

Products that we always soap are wrong

Packages and bottles with milk, drinking yogurt and other liquid products also need to be washed before opening. Milk on the supermarket shelf in any form is available for the hands of other buyers who move the capacity in search of the production date or a suitable package. Then the container is rolled along the tape at the box office, whose purity is also far from perfect. As soon as we open a package or a bottle, the entrance for bacteria from the surface becomes free, so it's best to rinse the packaging thoroughly before opening.

A fish

Products that we always soap are wrong

Wash raw fish is not required if you are not going to eat it in this form. When cooking, all bacteria in fillet is destroyed under the action of temperature, but during washing they can move to any surfaces in the kitchen. But after separating the fish, it is necessary to wash your hands well, a cutting board and a knife.


Products that we always soap are wrong

Color, broccoli, red or white - cabbage in any case need to rinse thoroughly. In the case of cauliflower and broccoli, you need to disassemble the forks and suck each inflorescence separately. With a red and white cabbage, it is still more interesting. First of all, when washing, be sure to bend 2-3 upper layers with leaves, as dust and sand can be hidden behind them. From the consequences of exposure to the forks of bacteria or insects, you can get rid of water with the addition of vinegar. Put cabbage into the water for a few minutes, and then rinse with water again - and the vegetable will be completely cleaned.

Drinks in banks

Products that we always soap are wrong

To drink a jar of soda or juice is very nice, especially on a hot day: a tin container contributes to good beverage cooling, which makes it more tasty. However, do not rush to apply a jar to the lips: drinks to shops are often delivered in dusty machines, and the jar is available on the shelf with any hands. If possible, wash the lid or all the packaging entirely or wipe the napkin, and the best way to pour the contents into a glass.

Sheet salads

Products that we always soap are wrong

Iceberg, arugula, ordinary country salad - all green leaf vegetables are very tasty and useful. But if you buy not ready-made chopped leaves, but a fork or bush in a pot, then it is important to rinse the greens thoroughly. To get rid of sand and land between leaves, you need to rush the salad with your hands and soak for a few minutes in clean cold water. Then remove the leaves out of the water and decompose on paper towels so that the glasses are excessive fluid. All - salad can eat.


Products that we always soap are wrong

The most clean will always be local seasonal fruits that do not require special handling for delivery, but if the apple wanted not in the season, the main thing is to wash it right. Studies have shown that if you leave fruit in water with the addition of food soda for 12 minutes, even pesticides will be cleaned from their surface. Such apples are completely safe.

Everyone has their own secrets of cooking or family culinary traditions. Tell us what life nuts for cleaning products or cooking dishes Do you know?

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