Master Class: Weave Sea Dragon


Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 37

I want to submit a master class on a knitted volume dragon. Sea animals differ from all known, in that instead of instead of wings, volatiles have floats floating. And in general, very closer to the underwater inhabitants of coral reefs than the scaly lizards from Fantasy pages.

Those who wish to join the secrecy of a similar mythical animal, basic knowledge of knitting cords from beads is needed. As well as weaving techniques: Mosaic and Naddeel.

This technique is my personal invention. Acknowledged, did not come across the spaces of the network with nothing like. Please refer to the wish when copying - be sure to indicate the author.



Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 1

1. Japanese bead number 8 - 10 grams.

2. Japanese bead number 11-10 gr.

3. Japanese beads number 15, two colors - 3 gr each.

4. Delica or TOho Trezers, number 11 - 3-5 gr.

5. Longmagatama - 14 pcs.

6. Drops Size 3.4, two colors - 3 gr each.

7. Japanese beads number 6 or beads, or Swarovski Books, 3 mm diameter - 2 pcs.

8. Books Swarovski, diameter 4 mm - 10 pcs.

9. Rivoli Swarovski diameter 18 - 1 pc.

10. Buds Round or Pearl Swarovski, diameter 4 - 14 pcs.

11. Beads or Books Swarovski Diameter 3 mm - 14 pcs.

12.Contential rings diameter 6 mm.

13. Threads of type K50 or L70 for knitting the Dragon body. As well as the second coil. I liked it most as an extra thread to use LL100. An additional coil is not required. Then knitting is better to perform thread. However, Iris and him like excessively thick.

14. Lerke or monofilament, to perform wicker elements, 0.18 or 0.12.

15. Beaded needles, as long as possible, for a set of reports and ordinary.

16. Basis for broocyculon.

17. Hooks for knitting. It is purely individually, pick up your hands.

A set of rapports.

We recruit beads on the thread, the rapports go from the tail.

Be careful to how you pick up Longmagatam. It must lie "on wool", and not "against"! The upper part of the Longmagatam looks at the top.

Master class west of the sea dragon, photo № 2

* Narrow part of the tail. Length 10 drops, repeat the rapport corresponding to the number of times. Rapport: 3 beads size 11, 2 beads of size 8, 3 bispers of size 11, 1 bisper size 8, 1Busin drops, 1 bisper size 8.

* Wide tail with drops. Long 3 drops. Report: 4x11, 2x8, 4x11, 1x8, 1HD, 1x8.

* A wide part of the tail with Longmagatama. Long 5 Longmagatam. Report: 4x11, 2x8, 4x11, 1x8, 1.Hlongmagatama, 1x8.

* Body with Longmackatama. Long 1 Longmagatam. Report: 4x11, 4x8, 4x11, 2x8, 1xlm, 2x8.

* Body with spinal fin. Long 4 pairs of believing Delica. Report: 4x11, 4x8, 4x11, 2x8, 2xd, 2x8.

* Body with spinal fin, wide. Length of 4 pairs of beads of Delica. Report: 6x11, 4x8, 6x11, 2x8, 2 xD, 2x8.

* Body with Longmagatama. Long 1 Longmagatam. Report: 4x11, 4x8, 4x11, 2x8, 1xlm, 2x8.

* Neck transition to the body. Long 1 Longmagatam. Report: 4x11, 4x8, 4x11, 1x8, 1xlm, 1x8.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 3

*Neck. Long 6 Longmagats. Report: 4x11, 2x8, 4x11, 1x8, 1xlm, 1x8.

* Homestroke: Drink 4x11, 2x8, 4x11.

A set of beads for knitting the Dragon Body is over.

Knitting the body of the dragon.

We start knit from the neck. Try to do without a number of threads. Start immediately from the bead range. Otherwise there will be a problem to push the head of the dragon.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo number 4

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 5

* Neck, knit at 6 Bisper. Long 7 Longmagatam. At the end, we have an unfinished piece of rapport in 4x8 in our hands.

After they finished knit, before starting to the body and the first increase, take a needle with the second thread (I took L100). We enter the first, from the tail, the bispers of the future of the Dragon. We go through the whole set from the coil to knitting. Starting with the report "Body with Longmagatama".

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 6

Tighten the tip of the new thread into the working loop and fix in the wrong one.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 7

* Body with lm, knit on 8 beads, on two threads. Transition (purchase) on the bisper 8-ke. That is, they are tied in each 8-ku two beads, 11 and 8th. Long 1 Longmagatam.

* Body with a spinal fin, wide, knit on 10 bisper. Transition (gain) by 11 beeer what is in the middle. That is, we are in two bispers, the 11th size. A pair of Delica is lying as one bead. Long 4 pairs of Delica.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo number 8

* Body with spinal fin, in circle 8 pairs. Transition (rolling) by 11 beeer to the fact that closer to the 8-ke. The transition to the 11th one that closer to 8k. That is, we skip in knitting this beerink. Long 4 pairs of Delica.

* Body with lm, in a circle of 8 pairs. There is no transition. Long 1 Longmagatam.

In this place ends knitting with two threads. Cut and fix the end of the added thread in knitted rows. Next, knitting continues on one thread.

* Wide part of the tail. In the circle knit on 6 beerin. The transition (rolling) on ​​the 8th of the one that closer to the 11th. That is, we skip in knitting this beerink. Long 5 Longmagats + 3 drops.

* Narrow part of the tail. In the circle knit on 5 beads. Transition (grade) to the 11th in the middle. That is, we skip in knitting this beerink. Length 10 drops.

Fix and hide the ends of the thread. All the rest weekeeper.


How to weave, fishing or thread I advise you to choose individually. The main thing is to take into account the fact that the head should turn out to be quite elastic and dense. That is, you know how much the softer material, thread or monofilament can be tightened, and focus on this. If you like to weaker weaker - give preference to the fishing line. The main thing is remember, in some beads to pass 6-8 times.

Fasten the fishing line and leave the first bisper number 8.

We recruit two beads 8 and 11. We return to the one from which (No. 8) came out. We leave from the following (№8).

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 9

We recruit two beads 11 and 8. We return to the one of which came out (№8). We leave from the following (№11).

We recruit two beads 11. We return to the one of which came out (№11). We leave out of the following.

We recruit two beads 11. We return to the next one. We leave from the bead next for the one in which it was included.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 10

We recruit two beads 11. And again we return to the one of which came out. We leave out of the following.

The first row of head is ready. In total, we got a number of 10 Beerin.

The following rows of the Nedderel method in a circle, on 10 beerin. It turns out a straight harness of Naddeel.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 11

The third row, on the second old-added pair of the circle go down on two beads down. So that there is no transition of the fishing line between the second row beads. Also with a fifth pair, when closing a circle.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 12

The fourth row, when moving from the second pair to the third, we gain a bisper number 6. Also with a fifth pair for the first.

Master class weaves sea dragon, photo № 13

The fifth row, when moving from the second pair to the third, we pass through the bisper 6. Also with the fifth pair on the first.

The sixth row and all subsequent walkers only beaded number 11. When switching from the second pair to the third, we recruit the size of size 11. Also with a fifth pair on the first. Maxim as much as possible. So that there was no leak gap in the eye of the dragon.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 14

The seventh row is wicked similarly to the first. Just beaded 11.

The eighth row, instead of the third and fifth steam, we gain one bisper. The ninth row, when switching from the second pair to the fourth, we pass through the bisperin of the former third row. Also with the fourth pair on the first.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 15

The tenth row, instead of all the steam, type one bisper. When moving from the second bisper to the fourth, we gain one bisper. Also with the fourth bisper for the first. Maxim as much as possible.

Final: Passing between the beads, we recruit one bisper. We are tightened and fixed.

We derive the line to the first row of the head, we leave from the size of size 8 at the neck itself. We recruit two delica bispers. We enter the following beader 8. or cling to the fishing line between the beads 8.

Through one bisper, fasten the bisperin delica pair and one bisery of size 11. There are only 3 pairs and two beads.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 16

So that there were no dreadbracks between the spikes of the Nedderel, weeping the spikes of the crest separately. The first spike 3 bisper height, the second 4, the third 5. The top of the spike is gaining three delica bispers.

When switching from spike to the next pass through the bead 11.

Between spikes, we recruit bikouses. We leave from the right biserin of the top pair of Naddeel, we recruit the Bikonus, we enter the left bisper of the top pair of the next spike.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 17


Secure the fishing line and get out of the first pair of Deliki.

Throughout a row of Deliki, flash 8 climbing pairs with beads Delica.

In order not to have a leakage of the fishing line between the spikes of Neddeel, weeping the spikes of the fin separately. The first spike 6 bisperin height, the second 7, further: 8, 9, 9, 8, 7, 6. When switching from one spike to the next weaving, the thread is displayed from the 2nd Delica bisper from the bottom, the bisperine is dial 11 round, introduced into The second from the bottom (at that moment the upper bead of this spike).

Between spikes, we recruit bikouses. We leave from the right biserin of the top pair of Naddeel, we recruit the Bikonus, we enter the left bisper of the top pair of the next spike.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 18

Fern foot

Secure the fishing line and get out of the size of size 11 in the row under the first spike of the dorsal fin, immediately for the size of size 8. Dial two delica bispers on the needle and return to the same bead 11. Go to the next Berinine 11, also dial two delica bispers and return. Link from the first pair of Delica.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 19

Weave the Neddeel method with the addition of beads between rows of Deliki.

In step of the addition step, add one size of size 11. On the second, two bispers of size 15.

In the third step, in the first spike of the fin, add three delica bispers instead of two, between the spikes of the fin, add two beads of size 15. Next three added bispers of Delica Weselves as if there are only two of them. The third divika should be on the outside.

In the penultimate row, add Bikonus between the rows of Deliki. On the last, we gain three bispers of Delica and pass through the Biconus again.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 20

For reliability, I advise you to walk several times a fishing line along the external rows of Deliki.


I fix the thread and come out of the first bisper number 8. We recruit two delica bispers. We return to the one of which came out (№8).

We recruit two delica bispers. We return to the one of which came out (№8). We leave from the following (№11).

We recruit two delica bispers. Return to the following (№11). We recruit Delica Bead. We return to the second bisperin Delica of the previous pair.

We go through all the bispers of Delica so as to secure them with each other.

We recruit two delica bispers, weave a number of Naddeel method. We fix so that four beads of the first row of Delika are obtained from the seven beams of the circle.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 21

Weeping by Naddeel with a mosaic in the interval between the rows of the Deliki. The first row without adding beads. We add the size of the size between the rows of Naddeel. The next row is re-passing through 11 bisper, without adding others.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 22

In the third step, we add divisions between the "spikes" and the 11th bisper, on one size of size 15. Next, we use only the divika and beads of size 15.

On the fourth step, add between the bispers of the previous row and divisik on one bisper. Two central bispers of the previous one, the first with beads 15, row tightened among themselves.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 23

Next weave by analogy. Bisperin in the center is added through a row, alternating with tightened central beads.

The tail is obtained by stretched due to this.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 24

On the 11th row, add not two, but three delica bispers, in each row. In the next step, these two beads weave as if they were not three, but two. The third belief must be in the outside of the fin.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 25

In the last step, we add not two to the row of Deliki, but three bispers. It does not add more beads 15. The row is reused, according to already indentable beads.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 26

Rivoli's patch

In the rivoli felling, only 15 bead size is used. In the inclination you can use any color. In this master class, the third, additional one was used for clarity. It's not obligatory.

We recruit two bispers blue, pearl, two blue, three golden on the fishing line. Close the line in the ring. We recruit three golden, two blue, pearl. We enter into two blue. Repeated gold and blue beads. We recruit the pearl, two blue, three gold bispers. We enter into two blue. We repeat the pearl, two blue.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 27

Weave thus pummage pumms. We connect the pins into the ring using the 14th beads. We leave from the top golden bisper.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 28

We recruit Biconus 3 mm, we enter the upper golden bead. Thus, all the vertex connect the bikonuses. We bring the fishing line out of the pearl.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 29

The weaving is an outbreak by another color of the 15th beads. It's not obligatory. We recruit 7 bisperin blue, blue, seven blue. We enter the pearl. We go through seven blue beads. We recruit blue and seven blue. We enter seven blue and pearls.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 30

We are thus invalid. Insert the rivoli. Close circle.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 31

Between blue beads, add one blue. We drag and remove the fishing line out of the pearl. Between all the pearls, add on one Drops bead. Fasten the fishing line.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 32

In two drops beads insert connecting rings. Do not close. Under one of the rays, the involves also add a ring.

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 33

With the help of connecting rings, the rivoli is contented to the dragon. Behind the nose, body and tail. Just as a separate ring, the tail is attached.

Master class weave sea dragon, photo № 34

Fastening the basics of brooches

The base for the brooches is attached partly on the body of the dragon and mostly on the neck. Using beads 15.

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 35

On this, the creation of a dragon ends :)

Master class weaving the sea dragon, photo № 36

Master class weaving sea dragon, photo № 38

Thanks to all the huge for your attention and interest in the master class. I hope that my ideas and finds will be useful to many, and inspire new overthrow.

The author of Suleimanova Camilla.

Successful to all creativity and good luck!

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