Favorite Peter I porridge in modern way


Favorite Peter I porridge in modern way

I remember, I introduced you to how the right pearfall is preparing. Yes, yes, not the shrapnel, which many of you remember more on student and school tables, and tired by an eight-hour water bath, which was overlooked in milk - in general, truly pearl.

Inspired by how well prepared in a slow cooker, we thought: But the same ninety Celsius is a good replacement and a Russian oven, and a water bath! Not to say that it is full and definitely not nasty-labor, but it just happened that the furnaces in the kitchen are not foreseen - in any case, it is certainly not in the city - and follow eight o'clock behind the water level in the water bath, odted, Nevertheless, tiring. Again, the task is to cook a good porridge, and not all the delights of heavy postcoital asthenia experience. Therefore, the gaze again turned to the multipart. In vain, what is the place in the kitchen takes?

It is clear that without preliminary caress from this harsh cereal, do not achieve a culinary orgasm, so a glass of pearl cereals (and this is about 200 grams) for the beginning of the cold water in a liter. Thoughtfully, thoroughly, hours 10-12. Not in order to wash, and so - so that the groats wet, slightly softened internally, and the subsequent persuasies and procedures succumbed to the best.

Favorite Peter I porridge in modern way

And then everything is very simple, just until the disgrace. The water is away, crowing into the bowl of the multicooker, there is a generous hand with a dairy river. How many? We took two liters, but in the end some excess fluid remained, whose cat had to get rid, therefore, I suppose, and one and a half will be enough.

Favorite Peter I porridge in modern way

In Multiprob mode, we set the temperature by +90 degrees, and the cooking time is 8 hours. We close the lid so as not to interfere with the intimate process - and for eight hours forget about the caress.

When the shooter is plaintively picked - they say, tired of supporting the flame of passion - open the lid.

Favorite Peter I porridge in modern way

Now the foam away, the surplus of milk, if they were left - too, swing porridge, twisted with sugar-salt, fill with oil - and you can eat. It turned out, by the way, as in a water bath. So now personally, we will confess this sacral process of a slow cooker: it saves time, and you do not need to be distracted by the process control.

Favorite Peter I porridge in modern way

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