8 cool experiments that are delighted


1. Lava lamp

We need: salt, water, a glass of vegetable oil, several food dyes, a large transparent glass or glass jar.

Experience: a glass of 2/3 filled with water, pour vegetable oil into water. The oil will float over the surface. Add the food dye to water and oil. Then slowly pour 1 teaspoon of salt.

Explanation: oil is lighter than water, so floats on the surface, but the salt is heavier oil, so when adding a salt into a glass, but the oil with salt begins to fall on the bottom. When salt breaks down, it releases particles of oil and they rise to the surface. Food dye helps make experience more visual and spectacular.

2. Personal Rainbow

We need: water-filled container (bath, basin), flashlight, mirror, white paper sheet.

Experience: Pour water into the container and put the mirror on the bottom. We direct on the mirror light flashlight. The reflected light should be caught on the paper on which the rainbow should appear.

Explanation: Light Light consists of several colors; When it passes through the water, it is folded into the components - in the form of a rainbow.

3. Vulcan

We need: tray, sand, plastic bottle, food dye, soda, vinegar.

Experience: Around a small plastic bottle of clay or sand should be blinded by a small volcano - for the entourage. To call the eruption, it is necessary to fall asleep two tablespoons of soda in a bottle, pour a quarter of a glass of warm water, add a few food dye, and at the end pour a quarter of a glass of vinegar.

Explanation: When the soda and vinegar come into contact, a stormy reaction begins with the release of water, salt and carbon dioxide. Gas bubbles and push the contents out.

4. We grow crystals

Need: Salt, Water, Wire.

Experience: To obtain crystals, it is necessary to prepare a suspicious salt solution - such in which the salt does not dissolve the salt when adding a new portion. It is necessary to maintain a heat solution. So that the process goes better, it is desirable that the water is distilled. When the solution is ready, it must be pouring into a new container to get rid of garbage, which is always in salt. Next into the solution, you can lower the wire with a small loop at the end. Put the jar into a warm place so that the liquid coal slower. A few days later there will be beautiful salt crystals on the wire. If you come in, you can grow rather large crystals or patterned crafts on the twisted wire.

Explanation: With the cooling of water, the solubility of salt drops, and it begins to fall into the precipitate and settle on the walls of the vessel and on your wire.

5. Dancing coin

We need: a bottle, a coin that can be covered with neck bottles, water.

Experience: An empty unclosed bottle must be put for several minutes in the freezer. Mock the coin with water and cover the bottle from the freezer. After a few seconds, the coin starts to jump and, hovering about the neck of the bottle, make sounds similar to clicks.

Explanation: The coin raises the air, which in the freezer squeezed and took less volume, and now heated and began to expand.

6. Color milk

We need: whole milk, food dyes, liquid detergent, cotton wands, plate.

Experience: Pour milk into a plate, add a few drops of dyes. Then you need to take a cotton wand, dip in the detergent and touch with a chopstick to the most center of a plate of milk. Milk will start moving, and the colors are mixed.

Explanation: The detergent reacts with fat molecules in milk and leads them in motion. That is why skim milk is not suitable for experience.

7. Failed billing

We need: ten-mery bill, nippers, matches or lighter, salt, 50% alcohol solution (1/2 part of alcohol per 1/2 part of the water).

Experience: add a pinch of salt into the alcohol solution, immerse the bill into the solution so that it is completely soaked. Reliable bills of bills from the solution and give a track of excess fluid. To set fire to the bill and watch it burns, without burning.

Explanation: As a result of the burning of ethyl alcohol, water, carbon dioxide and heat (energy) are formed. When you ignite the bill, the alcohol is burning. The temperature at which it burns is insufficient to evaporate the water that is saturated with paper bills. As a result, all the alcohol goes, the flame goes out, and a slightly wet ten remains intact.

8. Walk around the eggs

We need: two dozen eggs in cells, garbage bag, water bucket, soap and good friends.

Experience: Sit on the floor a tracing bag and put two boxes with eggs on it. Check the eggs in the boxes, replace, if notice, the egg is. Also check that all eggs are oriented in one direction - or sharp ends up, or stupid. If you correctly put the leg, evenly distributing the weight, you can stand up or walk through barefoot eggs. If the extreme from the careless movement does not want, you can put a thin board or tile on the vertices. Then nothing hurts.

Explanation: Everyone knows that the egg is easy to smash, but the egg shell is very durable and can withstand a lot of weight. "Architecture" eggs is such that with uniform pressure, the voltage is distributed over the entire shell and does not allow it to break.

8 cool experiments that are delighted
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