Create winter angels


Create winter angels

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas I want to share with you a simple way to create an atmospheric art doll - winter angel.

The idea arose from me spontaneously when empty cones from threads got into my hands. But such a cone is easy to make from cardboard, you can buy a foam cone in a shop for creativity.

For the head I used Darwi Rock, it is a self-sitting clay, but any durable self-density mass or baked plastic is suitable. I didn't photograph the creation of my head, but I think everything is clear: I sculpt the ball on my leg (neck), which in size comes up to our cone. We clarify the eyelabies, stick the nose. My heads turned out like sculptures from Easter Island. By themselves, they look too primitive, but in the overall picture look good. You can make a face more elegant, you can paint it, I decided to do without it. And those who are not yet ready for sculptural research, my way, I think it will suit.

Create winter angels

Only showing the finished photos at first, so as not to scare :)

Create winter angels

Even for the angels you will need fabrics - your taste. I had trimming of designer fabrics, which in our basic works I do not use, but (Naturally) I have stored in stocks, since they got to me in my paws. Therefore, my angels fashion-hipster. Burlakov, and synthetics, the main thing - the combination of materials and an attractive appearance are suitable.

Create winter angels

Wool, fur, synthetic hair for the laced ending from the frost, the champions will also be useful, maybe it will be a hemp or something natural, even moss. For hands and wings need a rope and cardboard. Glue, scissors and threads. That's all. You can start.

Create winter angels

Create winter angels

Step 1. The head (dried or baked) is glued to the cone.

Create winter angels

Step 2. The cone is placed with a cloth (or other material, you can wist with threads). If you cut out a cone from cardboard, you can immediately circle it on the tissue to cut a piece for it.

Create winter angels

Step 3. We take the rope and measure the length of the hands. Hands are a rocker, perched over the shoulders. You can make them separately, but it complicates the process, and since they are reliably disguised as a big scarf on the neck of the angel, then no urgentness can be seen.

Sut off the rope a little longer than it is necessary, literally 5 mm (these 5 mm will go to the thickness of the sleeves).

Create winter angels

Step 4. Welcome by glue ends of the rope and "Separate" them, twisting in the fingers. (Take such a glue that is easy to remove from hand - PVA, moment, but in no case Not super block ). I used the moment - it will dry the faster Pva. The photo shows the difference between the "soldered" end from the "unmatched".

Create winter angels

Step 5. Wrap a rope that we have hands, a strip of fabric to get the sleeves. Leave stitching 1 cm rope from each end.

Create winter angels

Step 6. We glue your hands to the cone like a rocker.

Create winter angels

Step 7. Cooking your hair: I had different materials - both wool, and synthetic pigtails that I broke. We must decide on the length. To do this, measure the distance from the place where your hands are glued to the top to the top and add 2-3 cm, and then multiply by 2.

Create winter angels

Step 8. Tearing the hair in the middle threads as hard as possible.

Create winter angels

Step 9. We fold the hair of the hair in half and glue from behind to the neck and head, pre-generously smeared the head and neck back with a glue. Linking threads will be at the very bottom, adjacent to the hands. Crucite carefully to glue, as it should. At first it looks strange, but the scarf will put everything in its place, I assure it!

Create winter angels

Step 10. Wash the scarf on the neck from a suitable material. It is necessary to wind it tight and in several layers. And glue the upper end of the scarf so that it does not work out under any circumstances. You can grab threads.

And so, our terrible statues turned into a fashionable handsome man.

Create winter angels

Step 11. Add wings! We stick a piece of fabric to the cardboard, in size suitable for a pair of wings.

Create winter angels

Step 12. We stick a piece of fabric from the reverse side of the same size, or paper on which you will write congratulations, for example.

Create winter angels

Step 13. Cut the wings on the predetermined (downloaded and printed) pattern or on the eye, who loves. And glue them to the angel below the scarf.

That's it!

Fly to celebrate Christmas and New Year!

Create winter angels

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