New portion of useful tips, each of which will help look impeccable


Tricks that will help always look flawlessly.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, naturally want to look good absolutely always. It should help in this, including the new portion of useful advice, each of which will help become even better. Pleasant viewing, remember and take to armared!

1. Remedy for corns

Deodorant from corns.

Deodorant from corns.

Prevent the appearance of corns will help a dry deodorant. Just treat it sensitive areas and boldly exercise new shoes, not surviving about discomfort and friction.

2. Dark circles under the eyes

Milk from dark circles under the eyes.

Cold milk will help to quickly get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes. Just moisten cotton disks in it and attach them to centuries for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, the look will be rested, and there will be no trace from bruises.

3. Facial color

Chamomile tea for a healthy face face.

Chamomile tea is a good drink capable of making the complexion healthy and smooth, and also to get rid of skin problems forever. Just pour the tablespoon of the dried chamomile with a glass of boiling water, let it be broken, strain, add a spoon of honey and drink every morning on an empty stomach. The magic effect of the chamomile will be noticeable in two weeks.

4. Care of eyebrows and eyelashes

Means for growing eyelashes and eyebrows.

In order for eyebrows and eyelashes are long and thick, they, like hair, daily care, combing and nutrition are required. Prepare a special nutritional for eyelashes and eyebrows can be independently. To do this, in a small bottle you need to mix castor, ray, almond and sesame oil, as well as a few drops of vitamin E. The resulting serum should be applied every evening on dry and clean hairs with a clean brush from the carcass.

5. Sliding feet

Hair varnish against slip.

Use hair polish to prevent slippets in shoes and sandals. Just treat your legs with a thin layer of hair lacquer and forget about the problem for a whole day.

6. Nourishing hair mask

Nutritional mask from fragility and sections.

The sun, wind, staining, iron and hair dryers affect our hair daily, making them dry and brittle. It will be possible to cope with the problem, and the most importantly available mask, to prepare which everyone can be prepared. To begin with, take a little conventional yogurt and egg yolk in a small capacity. Add there a tablespoon of castor oil, a little coconut, as well as the oil of the Jazzob, mix thoroughly, apply a mask on wet hair and wrap in polyethylene for one hour. After time, wash the mask with the shampoo.

7. Fighting the smell of sweat

Antiseptic from sweat smell.

Even the most expensive deodorant is not always able to fully cope with the smell of sweat, which is the result of the reproduction of bacteria. Therefore, in the summer season, it makes sense to use an antiseptic that, from time to time, you should wipe the problem areas of the skin.

8. Soft leather hands

Hand care.

Mix a little hand cream with a few drops of vinegar and apply this mixture on the skin daily, before bedtime. After a week, you will notice how smooth and gentle the skin of the hands.

9. Soothing lotion

Soothing lotion with aloe juice.

Aloe juice is perfectly coping with various rash and skin irritation. In addition, lotion with juice of this plant is able to moisten and toning the skin, make it elastic and elastic. And most importantly, only boiled water will be needed for cooking and aloe juice itself. Just mix these ingredients and wipe the face with the liquid.

10. Face scrub

Aspirine face scrub.

In a small amount of water, we will smoke several aspirin tablets, resulting from Cashitz apply on the face, massage and rinse with water. Such a simple scrub will help deeply clean the skin, calm it, remove the existing inflammation and cure acne.

11. Timeline transformation

Makeup brushes transformation.

Few people know that with the help of an ordinary invisible hairpin, you can change the shape of a wide powder brush, making it suitable for the application of the Rumen or Hailaitera.

12. Locks

Locks with a pencil.

You can turn the curls not only with the help of iron or forceps, but also with the help of ... Pencil. Just wrap a thin strand of hair around a pencil and warm a hairdryer. Do the same manipulations with other strands.

13. Face swelling

Salt solution from edema.

Salt solution from edema.

Prepare a strong saline, moisten a soft towel in it, put on your face and leave for 10 minutes. This procedure will help get rid of the morning swelling, make the skin fresh and shining.

14. Makeup removal agent

Homemade makeup remover.

It turns out that the means for removing makeup can be cooked at home, simply mixing the water with olive oil in proportions 3: 1.

15. Foot Scrub

Homemade scrub.

The problem of ingrown hair familiar to many girls. A simple scrub will help to cope with this nuisance, which can be purchased in the store or prepare yourself from a teaspoon of food soda and a tablespoon of ground oatmeal. Simply mix into the specified ingredients, add water, and make the resulting cleaner by massaging movements on the skin. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week and soon you will forever forget about the ingrown hair.

16. Secret Ingredient

Lavender oil in mascara.

Add a couple of drops of lavender oil to the vial in the vial. Such a trick will extend and make eyelashes more divided.

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