Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...


Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...

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Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...
Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...
Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...
Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...
Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...
This post is dedicated to slims ...

Slips are the elements of the volume embroidery, which are performed separately from the main pattern and then attach to it as an application. As a rule, the slips are performed on the canvas with a smooth weave of the threads and stopped with a package. Slips can be knitted on the knitting needles, crochet, assemble into folds or corrugated, fix on the main pattern in whole or in part.

If the cloth is selected for the manufacture of a separate element, the tissue is rapidly done, leave a large allowance on the seam or duplicate the edges of the adhesive gasket, which has been dragging.

Middle density cardboard is used for stuffing hard slips. The techniques for the manufacture of soft and hard slips can be combined. Fill the space with the space between the cloth and cardboard, but do not go beyond the edges of the cardboard template.

Volume embroidery ... Zeper and slips ...

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