Soda, salt, kefir and yeast will be useful in the garden!


The benefits of products in the economic needs of the gardener. It turns out that in the grocery department of a regular store or supermarket there are no little useful products to combat pests and diseases of plants, preparation of feeding and bio-influence. Some gardeners have long been and successfully used in the agricultural purposes kefir, milk, serum, salt, soda, yeast, mustard powder and something else. Now we know why ...

Soda, salt, kefir and yeast will be useful in the garden!

Not only for food ... What products can come in handy in the garden? Salt in the garden If you ever tried to get rid of Khrena, who grew up in the wrong place, you know how difficult it is: how much do not dig it, and the roots continue to live and grow.

To defeat hell, you need to cut off his leaves and fall asleep slicing slices. Fruit trees to dissolve the kidneys spray with a strong hydrochloric solution to prevent fungal diseases. The half of the salt is dissolved in the water bucket and one time per season shedding onions for the prevention of pulse dew and for the destruction of onion flies. Very loves feeding with a salt solution of beets.

It is fed twice: in stage 4-5 of the present leaves and a month before harvesting. The feeding is very simple: 100 grams of salt dissolves in 10 liters of water. The garden in the garden without food soda is generally difficult to imagine a modern garden. It seems that it helps everywhere and everywhere.

If you grow in your summer cottage, you do not forget to make a slope with a solution of soda with a solution of soda with a varnium with a solution of soda with a varnium with a solution of soda-75 grams. Such a procedure protects grapes from gray rot, as well as increases the content of sugars in berries. In the same solution, you can spray all the fruit trees to combat leaf-making tracks. Soda is one of the effective means of pulse dew.

The solution of a teaspoon of soda in a liter of water is used for prophylactic spraying of cucumbers. Gooseberry and currants are treated with a complex means: 1 tbsp. Soda, 1 Tablet Aspirin, 1 tsp Tools for washing dishes or liquid soap, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil by 4.5 liters of water. Soda solution (1 tbsp. For 10 liters of water) watering cucumbers to prevent the premature yellowing of the leaves.

To dare caterpillars, many gardeners sprinkle soda cabbage leaves. In addition, the soda is part of an integrated infusion for wigging seeds before landing. Mustard powder in the garden mustard does not complain of a set of garden pests, so reserve the mustard powder, dachas citizens.

Especially if you are against pesticides and two hands for organic vegetables and fruits. First, the mustard helps in the difficult struggle with slugs. The powder is scattered between the plants at the first signs of this irresistible pest: on the cabbage, peppers, hostats, etc. Secondly, the mustard powder is one of the components of the infusion against the cabbage Tley.

Thirdly, the infusion of mustard works perfectly against fire, peelers, bedbugs, trips, rills, apple-leaving and other leaf-racing caterpillars. To prepare 100 grams of mustard powder poured with 10 liters of water and insist two days. Then fixed, diluted with water 50:50 and each bucket is added by 40 grams of soap for better adhesion.

Apple trees recommend spraying with this infusion 15-20 days after flowering, and berry bushes - at the beginning of summer. Kefir or serum in the garden kefir and other fermented milk products are used, as a rule, in order to prevent and combat pathogenic fungal diseases.

Local bacteria and fungi suppress competitors, and harm themselves are not applied to plants. Kefir spray the leaves of cucumbers to stop their yellowing. For this, two liters of kefir are bred in a bucket of water. With the help of kefir, you can get rid of pulse dew on the gooseberry.

The kefir is also seen among the components of the recipe for independent preparation of the EM-DR). For prophylactic, phostophors can be seeded by the seedlings of the tomatoes with the following solution: half-liter kefir, 1 glass of pepsy or coca-cola per 10 liters of water. And from the first days of July, adult tomatoes spray with a kefir solution with water with water.

The liter of kefir, divorced in a bucket of water, is also excellent feeding for both tomato seedlings and adult plants. In all the above recipes, kefir can be replaced with serum. Yeast in the garden of yeast are an excellent growth stimulant for plants.

They themselves are rich in nutrients, they improve soil microflora, they suppress the development of many pathogenic microorganisms - in general, good. The most popular use of yeast in the garden is feeding. Yeast feeding will like all cultures.

The recipe for it is such: kilogram of pressed yeast is divorced in five liters of warm water, then immediately before use, the solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. You can cook yeast feeding and dried yeast. For this, 10 grams of yeast and a pair of sugar tablespoons are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

This "opar" is withstanding 2 hours, and then diluted with water 1: 5. For Parenic, also recommended to prepare a special feeding with sugar. On three liters of water take 100 grams of yeast and half a glass of sugar, it all wanders during the week, and then diluted with water: 1 cup of "braza" on the bucket. Feed tomatoes, peppers, eggplants or potatoes, pouring a solution in a liter for each bush. The yeast feeding is helpful and seedlings.

It will grow "as on yeast", will not stretch, it is easy to roam in the new land when dive. If in front of the flowering to pour strawberries diluted in water yeast (100 grams per 10 liters), the berry does not get sick with gray rot. In the same solution spray tomatoes when the first signs of phytoophulas appear or for its prevention.

Yeast is used in the preparation of uh-preparations, nutritious brag and other bio-influence for the vegetable garden. What should always be remembered when using yeast in the garden? First. Like all microorganisms (and yeast are mushrooms, as we were taught at school) Yeast will not work actively in the cold season. Therefore, all the feeders are better to do in the spring when the soil has already warmed up.

Second. Yeasts absorb potassium in the process of vital activity, so do not forget to compensate for the "losses" by making ash. As a rule, yeast plants feed the maximum three times for the season. No longer required. Milk in the garden False tormentous dew on cucumbers can be lime, spraying the leaves with a solution of nine liters of water, liter of skimmed milk and 10-12 drops of iodine.

A mixture of 20 grams of household soap, milk liter and 30 drops of iodine on 10 liters of water will help prevent the premature yellowing of the leaves of cucumbers. And the biser milk or prostrip is perfectly replaced by kefir or serum in previous recipes. Coca-Cola or Pepsi in the garden

As mentioned above, Coca-Cola or Pepsi ink with kefir is used to spray the tomato seedlings. On Coca-Cola, poured in shallow, supassed into the ground next to the plants of the container, slipping slugs, like on the bait. And some of the gardeners argue that the spraying of stakes to save plants from the invasion of the Tly.

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