I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk


Who, if not my mother with a grandmother, know how things are in the kitchen? Homemade borsch Mom or fragrant grandmother's pies - the best food on the planet. And the valuable advice in matters of culinary skills we carefully keep in your memory all your life.

Sometimes Secrets of cooking simple But work. Today you will learn how to listen to what of them.

Simple cooking

To be grateful for the advice of Mom and grandmother - the case is sacred, but if it comes to culinary councils, it is better to check them. The editors decided to preserve your precious time and debunk myths about culinary tricks right now.

I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

Culinary myths

  • Soda in the refrigerator absorbs an unpleasant smell.

    A good marketing stroke, but soda, alas, does not cope with this task. It is better to use activated carbon, but it is more expensive. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, you need to clean the fridge to deteriorate well and store food in hermetic packaging.

  • Roasting meat in its own juice.

    It is believed that meat, roasted in its own juice tastier and loses less weight with frying. But if you fry two identical pieces of meat in our own juice without it, the meat loses the same volume.

    I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

  • Omelet can be prepared with water instead of milk.

    Some are convinced that the milk makes the omelet tougher and better to add water into it. But the omelet with water does not rise during cooking and is distinguished by fresh taste. On milk, the omelet is twice as much and softer.

  • Soda need to pay off with vinegar so that the dough is better rose.

    Really distinguished carbon dioxide that helps the test rise, but he has time to disperse before you have time to put a baking sheet with buns in the oven. In order for the dough to be lush, mix first dry ingredients, and then add to liquid. And yet, instead of vinegar, it is better to use kefir or lemon juice.

    I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

  • Salt solution helps to clean the burnt saucepan.

    The old as the world does not work. It is better to boil water with citric acid or soda in a burnt saucepan and leave for 20 minutes, then wash the remains of Gary. Enameled pans are better just soak in warm water.

  • If after cooking, lower the eggs into cold water, they will be easier to clean.

    Not so simple. If you first boil the water, and then put the eggs there, then they will be cleaned much easier than if you initially put them in cold water. By the way, the harder to clean the egg, the freshest. So that the eggs are easier to be cleaned, the perch of them after cooking into ice water for 15 minutes.

    I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

  • Moldy products need to be immediately thrown into the garbage.

    It is true, but some products can still be eaten, cutting off their spoiled place: solid cheese, sweet pepper and carrots.

  • Lemon and vinegar helps to get rid of the smell of raw fish.

    Nothing displays the smell better than a weak solution of vinegar or lemon juice: to slip under running water and wins with something one, and vinegar works well, and lemon.

    I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

  • Need to rinse pasta water after cooking.

    See at least one culinary show with foreign chefs that prepare pasta. Have you ever seen them to wash pasta? Starch and even part of the water is necessary to mix the contents of the pan with sauce.

  • Before serving steak you need to hold a couple of minutes on a cutting board.

    The process of cooking a juicy steak fascinates, and it is very simple to spoil it. Only true chephs know that muscle fibers and juice are evenly distributed on a piece of meat.

    I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

  • Wooden boards worse than plastic.

    In fact, the top layer of wood has antiseptic properties, and the tree is an unfavorable environment for the development of bacteria, it is scientifically proven.

  • Cheese is better stored in paper packaging, and not in the food film.

    Products that are stored in polyethylene are faster, it is true, but the paper wrapper does not save cheese from the templement, so it is better to buy a fresh little piece of cheese than there is a heated or throw a twisted cheese in the film.

    I put a grandmother for a two-minded mastery: 12 myths about cooking foods that it was time to debunk

Lifehaki when cooking a meal at home can work wonders, and Simple homemade cooking Maybe even coming up with restaurant cooking. Useful tips for the kitchen will make this place the most cozy in the house and simplify the casual routine.

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