Simple ways to remove dents from furniture on linoleum


Linoleum is one of the most suitable materials for the decoration of the floor of the residential premises. Simple, reliable enough, and most importantly available for finishing. Linoleum is good in that it easily transfers a meeting with water, withstands numerous cleaning and generally unpretentious. However, all this does not mean that this material does not need to care for this material.

Simple ways to remove dents from furniture on linoleum

Why dents appear

Simple ways to remove dents from furniture on linoleum

The main enemy of linoleum is heavy furniture, especially on metal legs. With a careless installation (and even more movement) there is a risk of creating folds and irregularities. Moreover, the linoleum can be broken at all. Bubbles very often appear due to the constant and not neat movement of such objects as small tables and chairs. In addition, dents appear over time when the furniture is in one place for a long time.

Finally, another reason for the occurrence of defects may not be sufficiently reliable fixation of the linoleum itself to the floor.

Fighting defects

Simple ways to remove dents from furniture on linoleum

In most cases, things that already have in the house can be used to combat folds, dents, fights and bubbles. The best assistants in this business will be a hairdryer and iron, as well as something heavy, like Giri. The procedure for eliminating defects is not difficult, however, requires time and increased attention to yourself. Most problems of "rolling" are solved, which can be cold or hot.

Cold rolling It is performed using long smoothing flat, if possible, a heavy item. This method only works with the most minor defects.

Hot rolling It is used to work with serious damage and implies pre-heating of the material with subsequent smoothing by something heavy or kitchen rolling. For heating, use a hairdryer or iron with a towel, which is put into place of damage.

Simple ways to remove dents from furniture on linoleum

There are two important points here. First, any rolling occupies (in most cases) a lot of time. Sometimes heated and smoothing the linoleum accounts for an hour. Secondly, it is worth remembering that the linoleum can melt, and therefore should closely monitor the current state of the material and not overdo it.

In the most radical and launched cases, rolling will not help and have to change the entire damaged area of ​​the linoleum, just cutting it out and putting a new piece in its place. Of course, you should try to make the texture and drawing of materials as much as possible.

Prevent damage

Simple ways to remove dents from furniture on linoleum

It is best if defects on linoleum will not appear at all. Therefore, immediately after laying the material, you need to take care of its protection. On the legs of the furniture, it is necessary to install rubber or fooling caps that will help more evenly distribute weight on the outdoor finish material. You can make such steps alone, but you can just buy on the market. Fortunately, the choice in our days is rich as never before.

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