Home cheese for 3 hours


Home cheese for 3 hours
Home cheese for 3 hours

Incredibly delicious cheese, which contains only natural products and

Nothing extensions that we buy in the store are not clear from what they are made.

But in the cheese the product is beneficial with a large calcium content. And what

The child does not like vermicellies with cheese! In this cheese, all the products are natural,

nothing superfluous, so you are exactly sure that your child will have this cheese



-1 liter of milk

-1 tbsol

-200-300 Smetanes

-3 eggs


Milk we put boil, spilling it.

At this time, we beat sour cream with eggs.

How milk boils, add sour cream mixture and stirring boiling about 5


As soon as the lot of separating from the serum, we fold this mass on

Sitchechko. (If there is no kapron sieve, you can use gauze).

Let's fully drain the liquid.

After a few hours you can eat!

If you add some turmeric, then cheese will become yellow. You can also

experiment with the addition of spicy herbs (for example, dill) and smaller

amount of salt.

P.S. It is said that there would be holes in the cheese, you need to add soda ...

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