How I repainted Soviet wall: master class


Actually, I do not pretend to MK ... I myself did everything for the first time ... I pumped blindly, you can say

Maybe this process has already seen, I laid out on OK

So, I'm not saying that everything is straight super-duper and this is the limit of dreams, a hens is clear that there would be money, there would be a new furniture.

There was no money.

The apartment was bought to the mortgage ... There were no furniture ... Some of the ... Winter survived, a little oak did not give the windows-doors-balconies were so old that the wind just walked around the apartment. Good relatives gave carpets so that the floor was not So ice

Uzhoss ...

See ourselves

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
If you look at my records in groups, it will become clear that I am a creative man and light-affilome

And so, when the husband went on vacation, began to be repaired ... Initially, it was planned to do everything like this: wallpapers, floors, the ceiling on furniture with new finance is not. I stutter about repainting, but my husband is seriously not even perceived, the more this is a polished wall then! And when these dark monsters have made such a bright room ... I almost cried ... all the light disappeared ... how? How do I work again in the dungeon ???

So, we cuddled we stucco and unscrew the handles

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
All polished surfaces I sank a large sandpaper. Only them. In the other places paint and so well

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
I did not suspect a pre-primer, because it was not primed. People then suggested that the paints would have less spent with him

I bought paint here such

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
The paint applied the roller, the joints of the corners scored a brush.

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
5 layers of paint.

stucco stained on 3 layers of such paint

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
Printed on liquid nails to old places

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!

How I repainted the Soviet wall. Supplemented !!!
that's all

Paint is excellent moisture resistant. I never covered the wall with a varnish, then nothing washed off

In the locker with glass doors, my needlework reserves are stored ... and they are not always in order ... more precisely, always in disorder ... and the look of the mess shaved me, so I sailed the glass with a stained glass film

I am very pleased to all who consider this creation by the collective farm, I don't write about it, I do not ask critics, I didn't try to create a unique and exclusive thing, I just tried to refresh the Inteherier and remove the gloomy from it.

Thanks for attention!!


I absolutely did not expect so many positive emotions!

Thank you, for me just before the new feat I needed a huge charge of positive Wow, how much it was given to me the mountains to roll is ready

Straight here, thank you

Unfortunately, everyone separately writing time is not enough catastrophically, but every post with good words I am important to me, I was noticed by a balsam on my soul

Supplement on the main issues:

The wall did not disassemble and did not endure, they painted right in the room, the summer was, the windows-doors of the car. The smell of acrylic paint is generally small ... so ... light ... weathered instantly. Another big plus it is quickly dried, I liked Pts. This enamel for wood, moisture-resistant, as written in the annotation to the paint. At the end of the work, I wanted to cover with varnish for strength, but the hands did not reach. Paint keeps perfectly, not washed off

Another point: if you can paint, do not take a brush for large surfaces, the TC brush paints with stripes, and then it is immediately clear that the wall is painted ... Palevo is a roller lies wonderfully layers smooth

From the skin, there were no lubricant, all the scratches with the first layer of paint disappeared

Inside i painted just a couple of sections yes

By time, the process took two weeks. I worked mainly when the children slept, those in a couple of hours a day

If the children were unfastened, it would be calm everything in a week

Well, finally: I am very glad that my experience was useful, all decided and inspired: success !!!

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