Creative clothes for domestic pets


Today I propose to plunge the topic, a little different from ordinary creativity. Unusual clothing for dogs is also an exclusive, especially if it is made by loving owners for their small family members.

Unusual clothing always attracts attention. Previously, it was just a solution so that at least somehow insulate your pet, today in stores you can find many options and various stained shoes.

Creative clothes for domestic pets

Sometimes clothing is purely decorative character, as in this case.

Creative clothes for domestic pets

Creative clothes for domestic pets

Clothes can be chosen for any size and taste. But it is best to make it with your own hands. After all, the trained personally trained pattern and the sewn suit will surprise everyone - from relatives to neighbors.

Imagine such a shark at home :)

Creative clothes for domestic pets

But not necessarily stop on dogs. Catics either do not mind worse. Dwarfs or simply comfortable poppons can be worn not only on smooth-haired or non-sore breeds of cats. Yes, in the winter period, cats such as Sphinx need to be insulated even at home, if the temperature regime does not match their tender skin or in the presence of drafts.

Creative clothes for domestic pets

Well, why do not stay creative when selection of clothes? Look at these cute faces in capes - not all of them are short-haired :)

Creative clothes for domestic pets

Creative clothes for domestic pets

Some clothing options can be tied with your own hands. So, for the fulfillment of such a cap, ordinary threads and hook are needed, but then it's a matter of fantasy!

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