Methods of manufacturing with your own hands from the old Jeans Sundar, newcomers tips

Jeans Sundress

Often, a girl dreams of a dress, but cannot find a suitable model or desired style, and the coming suitable options are too expensive. An excellent decision will be a sundress from old jeans with their own hands, which can be sewed without any difficulty.

Methods of manufacturing with your own hands from the old Jeans Sundar, newcomers tips

Select pattern

Selection of patterns mainly depends on the desired style and simplicity of sewing. This is often influenced by fashion trends, an important place among which women's sundresses and loose jeans dresses occupy.

The pattern is an exemplary sketch on paper or a ticket of a future dress with a specific drawing of seams, pockets and details. Patterns often help not get confused, in what order you need to do the work where the seams of stitching are located.

After you draw a pattern, you must transfer it the basic elements on the fabric. This can be done both with an ordinary pencil, and using special sewing tools.



Required tools and materials

The personnel creation of the dress is a very laborious process, but not too deepening in it, you can use the three main elements: scissors, needles and thread. But, of course, the dress should be impeccable to use the entire set consisting of the following elements:

  • several needles;
  • Thin, thick thread;
  • stretching thread or gum;
  • chalk for fabric;
  • thimble;
  • tracing and pencil;
  • scissors.

Jeans is a rather tight material, make sure that the needle is sharp and quite thick, otherwise you have to make a lot of effort to grow it. The same with the thread. The usual thin thread can not connect any tissue, it should be carefully picking up carefully so that the seam does not break after the first fitting.

Methods of manufacturing with your own hands from the old Jeans Sundar, newcomers tips

If you decide to take a sewing seriously, and make a detailed pattern, then conventional pins and chalk will help you. Special chalk needed for pattern: it will definitely describe the edges of the future product and easily erased from the fabric. Many prefer not to sew a sundress of jeans manually, but to use a sewing machine. A fit one has several advantages and minuses. First of all, you need to know the technology of work on the sewing machine. It's not so difficult to learn this, but it will take time and workout. It is very important to make seam smooth. It affects the speed of scrolling the wheel, the smoothness of the fabric and equal intervals in the interval between the stitches.



The most popular way is quite simple. With it, we learn how to make the top of the future sundress. We take an old pair of jeans, it can be broken absolutely anywhere, even between the legs. A piece is cut into the belt area of ​​approximately 10 cm wide, approximately to the place where the trousers diverge. Next Down Do not forget to stretch the pattern of straps.

Better you can navigate the example of the photo shown below. Cutting the cloth in this way, all you have to do is to sew the ends of the straps together. The lines marked with a dotted line demonstrate in which place it is better to make an incision (later it will be sewn together bypassing the cut piece) to make straps comfortable. Thus, the top of your sundress is almost ready, it can be continued by a jeans skirt or use another material: leather, cotton or air fatina.


Cut the staff

Sewing products

After you safer the top of the product, you need to think over the style of skirts. We will cut the skirt directly from the pantian. We cut off the top of jeans, we have two kind of tissue pipes. Each shed must be cut on an external seam. There remains two pieces of fabric, in the middle of which there is a seam - it will become the basis for the skirt.


Sarafan for a girl or a young girl is better to do with an oblique skirt, he will look playfully, air and romantic. For a not too broken skirt for sundress, it will be necessary to simply sew two pieces of tissue from jeans together, strictly by the remaining seams. Before starting work, be sure to measure the length and width of the future skirt. Make sure that you can easily wear a product, if necessary, you can insert zipper. An excellent fashionable alternative will be buttons, they are not necessary to use how the decor, if you make a skirt-bathrobe, then it may well be fastened on them.


Name of details

Sefers skirt

What does it look like


Creating a straight cut skirt for a sundhan of jeans is not very different from the technology with an onset style. It will take to measure the width of the thighs, crop pieces of fabric so that they are equal to the width along the entire length.

To give a sundress of elegance on the Podol, leave a small incision, but note that the fabric should be carefully seen from two sides so that it looks neat. The same applies to the lower hem, as well as any edges and ruffles. After you cut down and the top will create a bottom of the sarafan, they need to be sewed together, leaving the seam from the inside.

Sew a sundress on its own quite simple, and at the end you can do the decor, your beloved female. The coming season is very popular inserts from various materials or decorations from rhinestones, beads or artificial pearls.

Detail of Sarafan






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