Amazing Cross Embroidery Adventures


Ulla-Styn returns old cross stitch to life, making up with their help a wide variety of items that turn into works of art.

About the author of the page

The heroine of our heading is called Ulla-Styn Wikander, she is an artist, lives in Sweden. That's what the Ulla style tells about his amazing creations: "I collect cross-embroidery for more than 10 years, and today I have a big collection. These embroidery were once made by women and, perhaps, today can be perceived as kitsch or will be considered something useless. But many of them are very beautiful, and I want to return them to life. "

Ulla-Styn began to do its objects in 2012. With the help of embroidery, it transforms different items, from the phone or iron to clothing or shoes - of course, the functionality is, as a rule, does not add, but they turn into works of art.

What is this page

And cross-embroidery, and the items they are decorated with them, our heroine finds on flea markets and in the second-hand stores. It goes to work on each object, according to her, from 1-2 days before the week. "I wonder if these items are transformed in a new context. Something old, the fact that, it would seem no longer needed ... I give this second life. And although for this I have to cut embroidery, I think they look very beautiful, turning into "outfits" for these things " .

Who will be interested in this page

We recommend this page as those who love the unusual types of needlework and art, and those who embrace the cross: perhaps the ideas of our heroine will inspire you for some new use of your work.

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