Best ways to remove smell from clothes


The clothes helps others to make an impression of us. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the condition of the fabric and the absence of an unpleasant odor. There are proven home recipes for maintaining freshness of your belongings.

Best ways to remove smell from clothes

The fabric absorbs smells well - it can like it if you snew your favorite perfume. But such a property of clothing plays against you in the case of a sock, tobacco or dampness. We collected the best tips, how to get rid of smell on clothes.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat on clothes

The smell of sweat is an unpleasant, but frequent problem. Despite the fact that the allocation of the human body is absolutely natural, it is unlikely that someone will like to feel a strong fragrance of sweat from herself, close or colleagues.

How to remove the smell of sweat with clothing soap

We propose to remember the glorious tradition and always keep the houses of the household soap. This is a universal means for solving many household tasks. In particular, it will help to wash the smell of sweat with clothes.

1. Water with water smelling sites and wash with an outbuilding soap.

2. Leave clothes in this form for half an hour, and then post the usual way.

3. Economic soap is not suitable for bright fabrics. Color can hang out.

How to bring the smell of sweat with apparatus with soda

The smell of non-valet clothes can be very resistant, especially if you wore it for many days in a row, without changing. The opposite smell of sweat will help a mixture of soda with vinegar.

1. Add 100-150 ml of vinegar to warm water and place dirty clothes in it.

2. Leave clothes to dull for a few hours, and then post in the washing machine, mixing some teaspoons of soda in washing powder.

How to bring the smell of sweat from the clothes salt

Salt is a universal home appliance against various types of pollution. It will help to cope with the smell of sweat on clothes.

1. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of water and apply on stains.

2. Leave for 1-2 hours, and then post the clothes with the usual way.

How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes without washing

The most obvious way to remove the smell of sweat from the clothes under the mouse is to wash it. But there are some tricks that allow you to cope with this problem without washing. Here are some ways:

- Try putting clothes in the freezer for several hours.

- Put the soda to polluted areas and carry into the fabric. Leave for the night. In the morning shake soda.

- Apply vinegar on stains. Dry clothes.

How to remove the smell of damp with clothes

Sharp odor from clothes often appears as a result of improper storage. It is recommended to periodically check the things that you hung in the closet until the next season. You should not store compiled things with incompleteness. If you discovered the smell of dampness, place the thing in the freezer. This is usually enough. But in more problematic cases, vinegar, soda, ammonia, citric acid can be used.

Best ways to remove smell from clothes

How to remove the smell of mold from clothes

Unpleasant raw smell may appear on clothing as a result of infection with mold disputes. This happens, for example, if you leave things for a few days in a washing machine. To get rid of amber, use vinegar or soda. Follow these steps:

1. Place the thing in the washing machine, add a standard amount of powder.

2. Add to the water soda or vinegar. When the machine is filled, pour the glass of this solution or fill it with a liquid detergent compartment.

3. Hang the clothes to dry in a well ventilated place.

How to remove from clothes the smell of second-hand

Second hand is an economical option for those who are ready to search for the perfect thing. Sometimes there are stunning finds. However, everyone who ever bought a nichered clothes knows the characteristic smell of second-hand. This caustic fragrance appears as a result of processing things with formaldehydes, and it is very difficult to withdraw it.

Help can wash with long rinsing and thorough drying of clothes during the day, not less. If the smell persists, use the ammonia alcohol. Prepare a solution of 10% of the ammonic alcohol with water. For small things, calculate the amount of ammonia from the proportion of 20 ml on 5 liters of water. For large - 100 ml on 10 liters of water. Soak the thing in this solution for an hour.

How to remove the smell from the closet with clothes

Cabinets with clothing require regular ventilation and drying. To do this, completely empty the wardrobe and dry it with a hair dryer. Periodically, it is possible to carry out wet cleaning with a cleaning agent with wax for wood. Experienced hostesses use soap pieces, citrus peel, coffee grain to aromatize the inner space of the cabinet. Just place the selected material in the woven piles and decompose the shelves.

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from clothes

After a long stay in the jammed room, get rid of the tobacco smell becomes paramount. It will help to handle the washing of clothes in the machine at the highest temperature and pre-soaking in the vinegar solution and soda per hour. After performing these procedures, things need to carefully dry.

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