What to do if you lost the keys


Esoterics consider the keys to a powerful magic object. The keys serve as an intermediary between the person and the fact that behind the door they open. Therefore, the people are so many and superstitions associated with keys.

It is necessary to take care of the keys: do not throw them where it fell and try not to lose.

What to do if you lost the keys

But what will happen if you lose, drop or break the key?

We answer in detail this question.

What to do if lost key

The lost keys from the apartment is the one more trouble and morok, but the sign is very good. It is believed that if you have lost the key from the apartment, the old problems will soon end. Everything that has been left over you lately, will leave and resolve. So know: This is a good sign.

What to do if you lost the keys

Purely from a practical point of view when the key loss, we recommend changing the lock. It will protect you from intruders. Putting a new castle, get rid of all old keys. So you will celebrate a new stage of your life, without old problems and troubles.

But this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat with all the proximity. Honestly, it is better to lose the keys than to drop or break them. At least they consider esoterics. Let's find out what other signs are.

What to do if you lost the keys

If the keys are falling

Fallen keys are bad sign. Increasingly, it foreshadows a large quarrel in the family. To avoid this, you need to knock down the fallen key on the table.

However, after that, it is still worth thinking about whether everything is good in your family. Perhaps you should change the attitude towards your relatives, be tolerant and solve the problem peacefully.

Keys are the thing that connects you with the house. If they fall, then something in the house is not in order. You need to think carefully about it and establish the situation, until it was late.

What to do if you lost the keys

If found key

Find the key to getting rid of problems. It would seem that a joyful find, but everything is a little more difficult. If a new key was found, this is a sign of favorable change in finance, soon monetary difficulties will end. But this key cannot be lifted, especially at intersections.

If you found an old and beautiful key, it is a very good sign. He promises a white strip in life and pleasant changes. Such a key can be taken as a talisman, but before these clean.

Do not take it with bare hands, wrap in something. At home, slip under running water, hold the candles in the flame or the vase in the vase. The element will take the negative energy from the thing if it is, and the key will serve you with a good talisman. It is best to store it under the pillow. They say, then in a dream some important decision comes.

What to do if you lost the keys

Broken key

If the key broke into the castle - it is to possible losses or theft. You need to be attentive in the near future and follow your own things. You can change the lock for reliability. Also do not forget to keep care in transport and crowded places.

What to do if you lost the keys

Forget keys

People constantly forget something and lose, only one occasionally, and others almost every day. If you are from the latter, then this sign is hardly working. If you never forget anything, and then suddenly I forgot the keys, you need to be vigilant.

This may be a warning about ambulance. Explain this will accept differently: some says that after that you need to fear the thieves, others - that some troubles await you. In any case, be careful.

What to do if you lost the keys

How to store keys

In order for everything in the house everything is fine, you still need to store keys correctly. It is said that the keys thrown on the windowsill as a magnet for problems. The keys left on the table are drawn into a quarrel house and need. The keys should have its own place, then everything will be fine.

Take a special place for keys in the apartment. It can be hooks at the entrance or some small container. The same thing in the purse: Do not throw the keys where it will take up, assign a special pocket for them.

What to do if you lost the keys

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