9 Coffee Ground Features, which will cope with household problems in two accounts


9 Coffee Ground Features, which will cope with household problems in two accounts

Despite the fact that doctors recommend not to get involved in coffee, as in large quantities it harms the heart, it is very difficult to resist his amazing taste and a stunning aroma. Especially if you boil this wicked drink alone from ground grains. By the way, about it. After each preparation procedure, you have a coffee thick. But you should not pour it into the sink, when you wash the cup. It is better to use the methods of applying coffee grounds into everyday life. You will be surprised by learning how many problems it can solve in a matter of minutes.

Method 1: Clean the contaminated metal surfaces

Coffee thickness will help get rid of stains and plates

Coffee thickness will help get rid of stains and plates

If you have discovered on your sinks or kitchen devices (saucepans, frying pans), terrible spots are not treated to go to the store for an expensive cleansing agent. The problem is quite possible to solve with reservoirs, such as a coffee grounds. You just need to pour a little mixture on a rag and wipe the dirty items. After a few minutes, there will be no trace from the stains.

Note: Unfortunately, to clean the porcelain dishes, the coffee thickness will not suit, as it can paint it into another color.

Method 2: fight insects

Insects hate the smell of coffee

Insects hate the smell of coffee

Insects are very painfully reacting to some odors, including the aroma of coffee. Therefore, Novate.ru advises to take advantage of this information and use the invigorating drink as weapons against ants and cockroaches. To do this, dry the coffee thick and put on one teaspoon in those places where the insects are very like to hide. For example, under the sink, in dark corners and so on.

If you notice that ants attack the kitchen, pour coffee thick into a tight bag of fabric and put it in the locker or a box where your products are stored.

Method 3: Get rid of unpleasant odors

Coffee thickness neutralizes unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. / Photo: kitchen.cdnvideo.ru

Coffee thickness neutralizes unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

If you opened the refrigerator and felt an unpleasant smell, first find the "rest impairment" and send a spoiled product into the trash can. And then you can begin the fight against the "beautiful" aroma. To do this, pour into a small container dry coffee thick and send it to the refrigerator. It not only neutralizes the available, but also prevent the appearance of other odors, for example, mold. By the way, this method will work perfectly in the freezer, so do not regret the coffee grounds and for this part of the refrigerator.

Method 4: Adopt indoor plants and garden plants

Coffee thickness is a good fertilizer for plants. / Photo: stroypomochnik.ru

Coffee thickness is a good fertilizer for plants.

Components of the coffee ground are minerals such as magnesium, calcium, nitrogen and potassium, which automatically makes it an excellent fertilizer for plants. If your flowers have lost an attractive appearance and they lack useful substances, pour a little coffee grounds into the pots and watch the plants begin to reach the sun and delight the eyes. And for additional feeding, you can connect coffee thick and compost.

As we have already mentioned above, insects, as well as slugs and snails, you can't smell coffee, so actively use the drink and in the garden to avoid the emergence of unexpected guests.

Method 5: Make a homemade shampoo

Shampoo with coffee dense makes dog wool softer. / Photo: gav-gav.su

Shampoo with coffee dense makes dog wool softer.

In modern pet stores, you can find a huge number of a wide variety of dog shampoos, ranging from budget options, and ending with premium. However, you can not spend money on expensive means, and buy the most ordinary shampoo and add coffee thick to it. It contains oils that will be very useful for the skin and animal wool, as they have nutritional and softening properties. In addition, the smell of coffee will scare fleas, which will greatly facilitate the life of your homely pet.

Method 6: Make your skin gently and soft

From the coffee grounds you can make a natural scrub for face. / Photo: coffee-nolim.ru

From the coffee grounds you can make a natural scrub for face. / Photo: coffee-nolim.ru

Coffee thickness has a beneficial effect not only on the skin and wool animals. It is also great for people. The most popular "coffee" beauty-agent is a scrub for face and a body that brightens and softens the skin. There are a wide variety of variations of this fund. Some girls add honey, others - olive or coconut oil. It is permissible to make a scrub with only one water in coffee. Mass options, so choose the one you like. The use method is very simple and depends on what purpose you use the product. To combat stretch marks, the scrub needs to be applied to problem areas and leave for 10-15 minutes. And if you want to clean your face, then after applying to the skin, expect 8-10 minutes.

Method 7: Eliminate dark circles under the eyes

Coffee grouse for 10 minutes eliminates circles under the eyes. / Photo: TOPPOSTS.RU

Coffee grouse for 10 minutes eliminates circles under the eyes.

If necessary, coffee will also help get rid of circles under the eyes. Such an effect becomes possible due to the fact that caffeine contains caffeine, which pulls up and brightens the skin.

To prepare the compress you need to mix coffee thick with several drops of olive oil. The resulting mixture on the consistency should resemble a thick sour cream. Next, apply the remedy for the area under the eyes and leave for 5-10 minutes. After time, wash the thickness and enjoy the result. To achieve a persistent effect, repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Method 8: Give the hair brightness and glitter

Rinse hair with watery coffee and enjoy their gloss. / Photo: hehair.ru

Rinse hair with watery coffee and enjoy their gloss.

After you enjoy the taste and aroma of the invigorating drink, add to the cup with the residues of boiling water to get water. Cool it to room temperature and rinse your hair after you wash the curls with shampoo. The tool will give strands shine, brightness and shine.

Method 9: Color your clothes

Coffee mullet paints natural fibers. / Photo: tvoiugolok.ru

Coffee mullet paints natural fibers.

Coffee grouse can be used as a dye. Professional costumes have long begun to paint natural fibers with coffee, getting perfect color at the exit. The procedure is very simple: you need to put the selected fabric in a saucepan with water and strong coffee (depending on what shade you want to get as a result, add from half to two cups of drink), and leave there for 30 minutes. After time, get clothes, rinse in cold water, sprinkle with vinegar to fasten the color and hang to dry.

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