Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house


Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

You do not even suspect how useful to always have magnets at hand. For example, they will help bring order under the table or in the kitchen cabinet, for a long time to take small children or entertain guests. Sounds attractive? Then rather pour the magnets and try the following Lifehaki:

1.) without knots

We will need:

  • springs spirals from ballpoint pen
  • Magnets


We take a spiral from the ballpoint pen and put on the cable at the place of its bond with the connector. To the table attach magnets. Now they are secure cables to magnets - thanks to spirals, they will easily be modeled. Voila, now the cables do not have to look and unravel.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

2.) Storage of clips

We need:

  • Box
  • magnet


This trick is very practical in case the box with clips, nails or screws suddenly fall to the floor. Just attach several magnets to the box. Now you can assemble the scattered contents of the box for one reception.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

3.) Little Fisherman

We need:

  • Color felt
  • Waterproof felt-tip pen
  • Stationery clips
  • Adhesive tape
  • PVA glue
  • 2 chopsticks
  • lace
  • hot glue
  • Magnets


Thanks to this homemade toy, you will be able to captivate your children for several hours. Cut from felt figurines of fish and other underwater inhabitants from the felt, for each figure we need 2 identical slices of felt.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

We glue to one of two pieces of felt ordinary stationery clip.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

Then glue both pieces together with glue. With the help of a felt-meter draw the scaly.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

We repeat until our "aquarium" is completely filled. We bind the magnets to the sticks and get fishing rods. You can start fishing!

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

4.) Order in the kitchen cabinet

We will need:

  • drill
  • Magnets
  • Screws


To the bottom side of the shelf in the kitchen cabinet we screw strong round magnets. Now bring order and see all products in the closet will be easier, because tin cans will hang on magnets.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

5.) Cosmetics board

We need:

  • Frame for pictures
  • Caller with paint
  • magnetic board
  • glue
  • Decorative paper
  • self-adhesive magnetic sheet


Prayes frame for paintings in any color to taste.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

Plug the magnetic board with decorative paper.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

Insert the magnetic board into the frame, close the cap on the reverse side. Then we glue pieces of magnetic tape on cosmetics from the bottom side of the jars and attach to the board.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

6.) Bottles Opener

We will need:

  • Wooden board (30 cm x 7 cm)
  • Drill with a nozzle for drilling big holes (∅50 mm)
  • 2 magnets (∅50 mm)
  • glue
  • Opener for bottles


With drills drills, two deep holes at the bottom of the wooden plank.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

In the resulting holes with glue glue incurred magnets.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

I turn over the plate and screw the opener for bottles to its top.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

Fresh the whole design on the wall. Thanks to the magnets, iron lids will be magically "stick" to the board.

Six unusual ideas with magnets that will help bring cleanliness and order in the house

Magnetic attraction is the truth to something magical. These 6 tricks will certainly help facilitate your daily life.

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