10 ideas, how to make a courtyard at the cottage and make neighbors bite elbows from envy


Unusual solutions for decorating the country area. Photo: I0.wp.com

Unusual solutions for decorating the country area.

You can make your property unique practically without cost. Original lifefalls from undergraduates are an opportunity to decorate the yard or give you hand for free, quickly and impressive. You can even try on this to earn if you conduct paid excursions and master classes.

1. Garden Spiral

With the help of such a helix, you can enjoy any floweruba. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

With the help of such a helix, you can enjoy any floweruba.

Stones in the country and garden plot are simply an indispensable material for creativity and refund. Using the stones of about the same value, you can make a spiral around the tree or simply on the garden to sear plants or flowers at different levels and create an unusual composition. Instead of stones, other materials can be used, for example: painted plastic or glass bottles, wooden shelters, unnecessary in the household of the plate.

This is how the finished flower bed of stones with flowers and decor looks. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

This is how the finished flower bed of stones with flowers and decor looks.

2. Flowers for the soul and heart

Beautiful lane drawing from sea pebbles. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

Beautiful lane drawing from sea pebbles.

To make a picture, it is not necessary to use the paints. Unusual drawings are beautifully obtained and from a simple material that can be obtained for free on many sea beaches. Color pebbles - an amazing opportunity with proper laying to make a real masterpiece near your home.

3. Pictures of stones

A little diligence, and the usual bed transformed right in front of her eyes. / Photo: Homebnc.com

A little diligence, and the usual bed transformed right in front of her eyes.

The summer cottage will become much more original if there are volumetric paintings on ordinary beds. From any stones you can lay out flowers, insects, geometric patterns or funny face. The main thing is to choose the right size and keep the flight of your imagination. Around these figures, flowers or other garden plants can be searched, then the stones will play the role of the tracks perfectly.

4. Sports brightness

Simple golf balls are able to transform the country area in the blink of an eye. / Photo: CDN.Instructables.com

Simple golf balls are able to transform the country area in the blink of an eye.

Balls for golf themselves do not represent special beauty, but if they correctly file them - will become a real work of art. Collecting them in bright colors and creating original compositions, you can easily revitalize any zone on your garden. From golf balls, you can make colorful flowers, bees, caterpillars or whole tracks with any ornament - everything that is enough fantasy.

Merry caterpillar will look great on the flower bed. / Photo: img0.etsystatic.com

Merry caterpillar will look great on the flower bed.

5. Two in one

Such a walkway looks unusually and mysteriously. / Photo: Gazonyru.com

Such a walkway looks unusually and mysteriously.

Any ordinary track can be decorated with grass. The combination of lawn and stones is both functionally and beautiful, and stylish. With the help of such a reception, it is easy to observe the integrity of different zones of the country area.

Interesting information from NOVATE.RU: The first lawns with a short-haired grass appeared in the XVIII century in Europe. Such an unusual decoration of the territory was considered a sign of luxury and wealth of noble families. The idea quickly gained distribution and quickly gained popularity in America.

6. Traces of eternity

Traces of stones - good decoration or functional track. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

Traces of stones - good decoration or functional track.

Such a decoration will be a worthy addition to any flower beds or a country track. Share traces of stones are very simple: you can choose any dimensions and format, as well as play with color. Traces can resemble human or be presented in the form of animal foot - any of the options looks original and beautiful.

7. Beautiful input

Such an entrance to the household plot will be proud of any owner. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

Such an entrance to the household plot will be proud of any owner.

Already at one entrance to the gate, you can make an idea of ​​all housing and the country. If it is originally decorated, it will create a good idea of ​​his owner and will serve him a good service. From small pebbles, you can post a wonderful flower, which will immediately add a simple fence of romanticity and goodwill.

8. Multicolored pebbles

Stylish and unusually beautiful design with a simple material. / Photo: SmartyOfficiel.com

Stylish and unusually beautiful design with a simple material.

Resting at the resort you can easily choose a multicolored pebble. This lesson pacifies and occupies time, so it may take away not only children, but also adults. A beautiful sea pebble is an excellent material for decorating and finding your country area. Having multicolored pebbles in a certain way, you can create an amazing pattern that will make the usual track of unique and memorable.

9. Decorative staircase

In areas with lifts and decays of the height, this decor will look very appropriate. / Photo: Freepatriot.club

In areas with lifts and decays of the height, this decor will look very appropriate.

If you need to create a step on your household plot, it should be seriously thinking about the decoration of stones. With the help of different colors and sizes, you can create a unique pattern, thanks to which the staircase becomes not just a functional necessity, but also a real decoration of the country area.

10. Combination of flowers

The correct combination of colors is a profitable solution for any flower beds. / Photo: i2.wp.com

The correct combination of colors is a profitable solution for any flower beds.

To make a flowerba more original, it is not necessary much - it is enough just to add small pebbles to it and the overall nonbooting idea. The correct combination of colors and forms will help create a harmonious picture on any summer cottage.

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