10 Simple Lifehas with Dental Thread


We tell about 10 lifehams using the dental thread. For all occasions!


Seasonal changes in temperature and humidity in the room lead to the fact that the germ boards are narrowed and expanding. Gradually, free space is formed between them. It is possible to fill it with the help of a dental thread, ridiculously moistened in the joinery glue, - so the floor will become much more stable.

Clothing repair

Dental thread is strong enough to replace the sewing. It can be used for the small repair of clothing and when sewing buttons. It can also perform the function of the lost lace or runner on the zipper.

Broken glasses

If you have lost a small screw, holding two pieces of points together, try temporarily to fix them with a dental thread. Throw it into the holes for the screw, and the edges tie to the strong knot.

We cut soft products

A non-unprecedented dental thread can be carefully cutting the cheese of soft varieties, cheesecake, biscuit rolls welded by screwing eggs and other products requiring delicate circulation. Tension the thread with two hands, wound it on your fingers, and cut a smooth slice with it.

Christmas decorations

Dental thread is an excellent alternative to threaded loops for Christmas balls. Clean the thread through the metal eye and make the ends on the desired length.

10 Simple Lifehas with Dental Thread

Stick photos

Tooth thread Unlike traditional thin wire, which is used in suspended systems for paintings and photographs, does not scratch the walls. This method is suitable for non-heavy frames or small mirrors.

Old pictures

If you want to carefully remove the old photo from the family album, spend under it a well-strained dental thread. The thread will destroy the remnants of glue, and the snapshot will easily "go out" from cardboard or tight paper without any damage.

Twine for meat

Low-minded tooth thread - a real find if you have ended the kitchen twine. With it, you can easily bore large pieces of meat, stuffed with rolls or tie chicken legs before baking.

Seedlings and grapes

Dental thread can be useful to avoible dachensons when godpading vegetable crops and colors. And if you pull the thread between wooden pegs, then it turns out a beautiful trilting grid for curly plants.


Dripping water from the crane of anyone can drive crazy, especially at night. To stop this annoying sound, wrap a dental thread, and lower her end to the drainage canal. Water pulls it down, and the unpleasant sound hanging on to fall asleep will disappear.

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