Simple and affordable way, how to remove "waves" on linoleum


Simple and affordable way, how to remove

Waves on linoleum - is far from what the owner wants to see. However, they inevitably appear. Sooner or later it happens with any coating. It is very important in such a situation to know what exactly needs to be done in order to return the original view to the linoleum. Fortunately, the operation on "wonderful salvation" is not so complicated as it may seem at first glance. So, what you need to know and do.


The reasons are very different. / Photo:

The reasons are very different. /

Whether it is necessary to say that today it is the linoleum that is the most popular outdoor coating. From the problem of waves, bubbles on it perfectly familiar with a huge number of fellow citizens. That's just how practice shows, not everyone knows how to solve the problem mentioned. In order to solve the problem, you first need to understand why this is happening at all. The main reasons are three.

Spread the appearance. / Photo:

Spread the appearance.

The first is the wrong installation of the plinth. Inexperienced masters and "self-relocities" often too much pressing the plinth to the floor covering, which leads to well-known problems. The second reason is to ignore the floor purification from dust, dirt and garbage, before laying linoleum. Finally, the third reason is to ignore the gap when laying the canvas. It is that there is no less than 1 cm between the wall and linoleum. Also, linoleum can swear if moisture falls under it, but it happens much less frequently than everything described above.

What to do

The most effective way is to rebuild the site. / Photo:

The most effective way is to rebuild the site.

So, in the first place, it should be determined by the cause of bloating. First, it is recommended to remove the plinth and wait a bit. Very often, the linoleum is aligned after such a simple operation. True, perhaps only in the event that the material was not glued to the floor. If the coating was glued and went by waves, it is necessary to carry out partial dismantling and re-glue the material to the floor. In this case, the linoleum should be pre-dissolved, something solid and consider the remnants of glue from it.

You can also pierce a seer hole. / Photo:

You can also pierce a seer hole.

Separately, it is necessary to allocate that sometimes bubbles appear due to temperature differences in the room. In such a situation, if there is no desire to rip off the floor covering and shift a whole piece on a new one, you can go on a compromise option - to take a small hole in the bubble. Most likely, this step will solve the problem.


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