Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art


Many have a cake with a festive table, because it is always a major holiday final. And what can this finale make even more ambitious? That's right - some kind of skillful decoration of the final dessert. For example, such beautiful and edible flowers from Marmalade. Do you think you're not under power? Oaky!

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

You will need:

  • fruit juice;
  • Agar-Agar;
  • the form

Before starting work, you need to prepare mold-molds. They can be any, in our case, these are volumetric silicone forms of tulip and crocus.

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

Deciding with the form, go to marmalade. Since marmalade we need not sticky, we exclude recipes with honey. In the pan, we pour 100 ml of the juice of suitable color and pour 3 g of agar-agar. Mix well and bring everything to a boil. We remove from the fire and add another 35 ml of room temperature juice, mix and the work structure is ready. If desired, juice can be squeezed in any color, as well as add sugar to it for greater sweetness.

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

Immediately pour hot liquid marmalade into the form and leave it to frozen at room temperature or in the refrigerator if you want to speed up the process. Much time it does not take.

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

Please note that Marmalade, left in a saucepan, during this time will also freeze. Do not be discouraged, but simply melt it and fill it into the form.

If your forms also have volumetric, then when removing you need to observe simple, but very important rules not to damage the flower. Alternately, we open the parts of the Molda slightly and then press down. Only after that we press the bottom in the center and opening all parts at the same time, squeezing flower.

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

If, during the removal of the form, one of the petals was nevertheless damaged, simply melt the remaining marmalade and gently glue the element with it.

Such marmalade flowers can be stored for quite a long time - in the refrigerator in a closed container. However, consider that over time, moisture evaporates from marmalade and figures decrease in the amount of what can sometimes be on the hand. For example, the marmalade made with a weekly difference looks like.

Flowers from marmalade with their own hands will make any dessert of the art of art

And below you can see a detailed video on how to make such marmalade decorative figures with their own hands.

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