Cold Batiki Master Class with Watercolor Elements



Squeeze a silk scarf in a cold batik technique.

We need:

  • a piece of silk 35x155 cm (before work Silk must be wrapped in hot water without the use of soap);

  • Paints and contours for painting on Silka (I work with paints of Marabu and Javana);

  • Transparent redundant composition based on rubber glue and gasoline (Gamma company, for example)

  • brushes (synthetics №2, 6, 9, protein №10 or any soft wide brush);

  • Rama on screws or subframe 35x155 cm;

  • buttons;

  • Bank with water and a palette plate;

You will also need "Cardboard" - a sketch of a genuine value.

1. First of all stretch the fabric. First we stretch along the corners, then in the middle of each side, then we can slightly wet the tissue and stretch it wet. First by narrow sides, after long. The fabric must be stretched very tight, so that with the mouth of Silk did not resist and did not touch the table.

Cold Batiki Master Class

2. Place the drawing under the fabric. In this case, Silk is not very dense and the drawing is visible quite well.

Cold Batiki Master Class

3. Now we need to circle a drawing with a reserve. We recruit the reserve in the tube. This is done by the fringe. The sprintscoat is compressed, assigned to the wide end of the tube and the reserve is suused inside. It will be enough to fill the tube to half the tank.

Cold Batiki Master Class

4. Obligate the drawing. First, we supply only flowers and butterflies. The tube is kept so that the nose is perpendicular to the tissue. We carry out exactly, not in a hurry, but without lingering for a long time in one place. The line must be smooth, without breaking and non-accurate drops.

Cold Batiki Master Class

5. The line that limits the plane must be closed so that the paint does not flow into the adjacent area.

Cold Batiki Master Class

6. After the drawing circled, you can look at the lumen, there is no lines. We give the reserve to dry about 40 minutes.

Cold Batiki Master Class

7. We start painting the background. To do this, wet it with clean water with a wide brush.

Cold Batiki Master Class

8. At the same time, we immediately see where the line will miss the paint. Such places must be dried and carry out the line at the site of the gap.

Cold Batiki Master Class

9. On the palette, the background color is stuffed. To begin with, we paint the background not in full force, but only slightly stain with the cloth.

Cold Batiki Master Class

10. The background does not necessarily paint in one color. Better, if it is picturesque, with color transitions.

Cold Batiki Master Class with Watercolor Elements

11. Then we paint flowers. On the petals make smooth transitions from light to dark.

Cold Batiki Master Class

12. When the background and flowers dried, with the help of a tube and reserving composition, we supply stalks and accommodation on colors.

Cold Batiki Master Class

13. Collapse background stains.

Cold Batiki Master Class

14. In order to get a watercolor effect, we give every spot to dry and then apply a neighboring stain.

Cold Batiki Master Class

15. We paint stalks ...

Cold Batiki Master Class

16. ... and petals. You can walk along the background by another layer of smears.

Cold Batiki Master Class

17. With the help of the contour, we draw a streak, we put the points, we specify the details.

Cold Batiki Master Class

18. The same makes it with a thin brush. The brush should be almost dry.

Cold Batiki Master Class

19. We get such flowers. The measure of workout depends only on you: from your taste and fantasy :)

Cold Batiki Master Class

20. Remove the fabric from the frame and stroke for 2-3 minutes each site (the width of the site is equal to the width of the ironing board). After stroking, we leave the fabric about a day. This is enough for paint finally fixed. Next, I usually rinse the fabric in the cleaned gasoline to remove the backup composition, but you can safely skip this stage and simply to strike the fabric in a soft detergent.

Cold Batiki Master Class

21. Disseminating the fabric on the newspaper or on another absorbent surface, you can clarify the details again.

Cold Batiki Master Class

22. We strifted Silk. Best do it manually, because Machine line makes the edge a little rough, while the manual seam saves the softness of Sheocha. Well, now the scarf is ready for a summer walk :)

Cold Batiki Master Class


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