How to repair the LED lamp itself if it failed


How to repair the LED lamp itself if it failed

In recent years, LED lamps have gained tremendous popularity in the domestic market. Today, such lamps put more and more people in the hope of saving on electricity. In addition, LED lamps give much better lighting. However, some citizens are fond of too much and use lamps not as it should be. As a result, they fail sooner. Today we will analyze the most popular case.

How to repair the LED lamp itself if it failed
First disassemble the light bulb.

LED lamp can be put in the bedroom, in the living room, even in the toilet. Some compatriots install them also on the street, without thinking about the fact that in the raw room or in general outside it, it is impossible to use the first LED lamp under the arm. All because the usual LED bulb has no waterproofing. As a result - the formation of condensate inside and the ambulance breakage. However, from the situation you can exit elegant if there is a soldering iron and a screwdriver in the house, and the hands grow out of the shoulders.

How to repair the LED lamp itself if it failed
The point is to find not working contacts.

So, the first thing we remove the white cap, just pulling it away from the cartridge. The scattering cap mats is removed fairly easy. If everything was done correctly, then we will have to see the matrix with LEDs. After this we take a screwdriver with a flat slot and carefully referring to her the radiator, then carefully remove it from the cartridge. When it is done, we produce a "plus" and "minus". Most often they are gray and white, respectively.

How to repair the LED lamp itself if it failed
We deliver from non-burning elements.

After removing the matrix and the radiator, it will be possible to see that inside the cartridge, precisely - the power supply and the converter. Now the most important thing is to check the operability of LEDs. You can do this with the battery and pairs of wires. You need to "call" every LED! When the faulty will be found if you should delete, and the empty place is knitting a suitable wire. After that, the light bulb will serve for some time.

How to repair the LED lamp itself if it failed
It works now.

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