Matchbox box


For those who believe that labor lessons in elementary school and appliqués have passed as in vain the time spent, it should be noted that time it does not disappear in vain. No wonder almost every middle and middle professional educational institution, the program provides for economics and ecology courses. The ability to save money and save society from excess garbage can be able to be able to independently turn the property to be departed into something more valuable and vital. Crafts from match boxes have always justified their purpose and resource expended on their manufacture. But how to justify, because this is a method of processing not having a garbage price, which is also not necessary to acquire.

One of the masterpieces that can be created and reproduced is a multifunctional box made of matches. Among the means that are used as items besides the boxes themselves, you will need another sheet of paper, tape, glue, scissors, ruler, pen (pencil). It is advisable to use the table for convenience. And we begin.

1) We take twenty matchboxes used and empty (not necessarily)

Matchbox box

2) and put them on the table in the stacks of four (five stacks).

3) There we put the scissors and scotch. The wish should be thin, so that your width does not bite the whole boxes, as there should be a place for the external parties to remain in order to glue the paper.

4) glue the first stack of scotch,

5) Then everyone else.

Matchbox box

6) We put the stacks together horizontally, align them.

7) Now glue these stacks together.

8) Measure the strip on the paper with a width of equal length of one box. We define the length of the strip yourself, cut the strip with scissors.

9) We are putting on a strip glue, and put the strip itself on the boxes (on those places that do not have a scotch).

10) Cut the second strip and glue from the reverse side, and it seems to be ready. Yes indeed.

Matchbox box

Next, you can, in addition, to all of the above, also decorate the casket. For this we need paint (gouache).

You can make beauty and grace with your creation in different ways. To someone, our exercise will not like it at all, and maybe they will be right. In this case, we suggest you make this casket:

Matchbox box

It is not difficult to make it, in the photo you can see the whole process of its manufacture.

Matchbox box

Matchbox box

Matchbox box

Matchbox box

Matchbox box

Matchbox box

It should be given a couple of second recommendations on the use of the result of half-hour creativity.

1. For the manufacture of this box, you should use new or non-shy boxes, i.e. Save their shape.

2. For long-term use purposes, you should cover the casket with cardboard or the strip must be made of more tight paper. The resulting product can be used to store various items, nuts, coins can also be used as a gift, and simply as a souvenir.

3. Crafts from match boxes should be kept in a dry place, so they serve even more.

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