Tripod for smartphone


Tripod for smartphone

A very simple tripod that I did in just a few hours.

Tripod functional! :) You can change the height of the shooting, and the angle of inclination. With small modifications, it can be installed on it and the camera, but initially I did it for the smartphone (for Samsung Galaxy, however, it also fits it for the iPhone dimensions).

For the subject shooting, a very good unit, because according to my observations, the hand trembling is especially noticeable just with the macro shooting.

Step 1: Dimensions and Design

Tripod for smartphone

The tripod consists of two components:

1. Rama

2. Phone platform


I made a frame with a height of 50 cm, which I sufficiently, it means that the maximum shooting height can be up to 40 cm - considering that part of the height is eaten by the size of the phone. Width 23 cm, depth - 10 cm.

On the third photo it is clearly visible, due to which the platform holds on the frame - on the back side I nailed the finish carnations, and I went from the front with another way, made a protrusions from plywood pieces. The size of the protrusion is 1 cm. These pieces of plywood, I then glued to the frame.

Initially, I and from the front parted nails, but because the distance between the levels is less than the height of the platform for the phone, I simply could not be installed in the frame. Engineering defects, design error :)


Playground width: 18 cm, plus a piece of plywood is attached to the right (its thickness is 1.5 cm, why it is attached - see the next step), the depth (or the side of the side) is 10 cm, the same as the depth of the frame.

Step 2: A more couple of words about the phone for the phone

Tripod for smartphone

The most important element of the tripod is the playground under the phone.

It consists of two sites - small on which the phone is put and which is spinning, and big, which is attached to the frame. It is the dimensions of the large platform that I ledged. Length of a small platform 14.5 cm.

A piece of plywood is fastened to the large platform to the right, it is clearly visible on 4 photos, and he needs to be tilt the platform, and take a photo at an angle. To do this, I drilled in it holes around the circumference, the screws are inserted into these holes and, accordingly, it does not give a small platform (if you tilted it) to return back.

On the third photo (top view) you can see at the expense of what the phone itself holds on a small platform - in front of these two rectangles from plywood, and behind, so that the phone does not slide, two small cubes, too, from plywood. The distance between them is about 1 cm, a little more of the thickness of the phone.

Step 3: Result

Tripod for smartphone

A more couple of tripod pictures, and a couple of photos that I did with it!

I did not describe due to what a small playground spinning at an angle is relatively big, but I think you will guess! Let there be a small chelleg) Well, or ask in the comments!

I actually did a tripod not so much for the purpose of saving (although I also did not want to pay ~ 1000-2000 r for approximately similar on the functions of the program from Gorilla) but I didn't want to wait for delivery from the online store.


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